Neptune – The Sea
Neptune, the Sea, represents the boundless dangers of the water and the ability to evoke powerful emotions and hidden feelings. The ocean, one of the earth’s most potent forces, symbolizes the perils that arise when the forces that lie dormant just beneath the surface of our unconsciousness finally burst forth. If we want to grasp the essence of this beautiful azure blue world, we need only consider the overwhelming moods of ‘The Sea,’ with its enormous depth, turbulence, and crashing waves that destroy everything in their path.
The symbolism of water and emotion is strong; beneath the surface, buried feelings and recollections wait to be rediscovered. Those who have a strong Neptune influence in their horoscope might enjoy these ocean depths and dive for extended periods of time. The person will have the power to go deeply into the domain of emotion and sense whatever is hidden there. The watery realm is emblematic of both tremendous beauty and deep sorrow, as well as of the inaccessibility of clear vision and the resulting hazy perception of what is beyond. Both the sea and Neptune are impossibly wide and deep, with secrets and mysteries that defy human comprehension.