The Moon, Emotions, and Diseases
According to astrology, the Moon represents a person’s subconscious. As the ruler of the soul in spiritual astrology, it is also associated with our deepest drives. In psychology, these alterations to one’s character are known as “the impulses of the soul.” Among the astrological planets, many medical astrologers hold that the Moon has the most significant impact on human health. Somatization of energy is always a possibility, and any planet can have an effect on our well-being. Symptoms of anxiety are common for the Moon because of the sign’s preoccupation with physical safety and security. For it is thought that suppressed feelings, if they have nowhere to go, will build up inside the body, resulting in what is known as energetic dysfunction. The physical manifestations of distress serve as warning signs that something is wrong; we may find it difficult to articulate our emotions, and engaging in avoidant behavior may hasten the onset of illness. It is believed that the seeds of physical illness can be planted if we harbour negative emotions for an extended period of time.
When we’re feeling anxious, our immune systems weaken and we become more susceptible to illnesses like the common cold, the flu, and other bugs and infections. It’s not hard to see why this is a contentious issue; after all, it can feel like we’re laying the blame for the illness squarely on the patient’s shoulders. Even so, there appears to be an unbroken chain of events connecting our emotions to our bodies that goes back thousands of years and has led to the conclusion that our bodies are frequently the “host” to our feelings. When something is wrong, the body sends out signals in the form of symptoms and generalised unwellness. Among its many functions, the Moon is the ruler of our emotions; it personifies the individual in a wide range of fluctuating emotional states. It takes the Moon 28 days to complete a full rotation through the horoscope, and it spends two to three days in each of the 12 houses.
Historically, the Moon has been associated with the irrational, out-of-control emotional responses we sometimes experience. As part of maintaining one’s mental health and happiness, one must work to keep one’s emotions in check. In addition to being a highly absorbent creature, the Moon is also unconscious and feels everything. To be able to think clearly and objectively, for instance, one must learn to master one’s “destructive emotions,” as the Stoics did. They were adamant adherents to this philosophy, and they saw freedom from emotional slavery as a key component of free will. Indeed, the unconscious often leads us astray, as is evident when we commit the infamous “Freudian slip.” Trickster was Carl Jung’s term for the unconscious and instinctive reactions; others use the term involuntary nature to describe these. What we call our “instincts,” “reactions,” and “reactionary” responses are all things that normally operate below the level of conscious awareness but that are brought to the surface in response to certain stimuli. The Moon’s position in the zodiac indicates our weakest spot, but in order to get to know oneself, it’s also necessary to explore one’s subconscious and learn about one’s most fundamental desires, needs, and habits.
Since solar energy symbolises our sense of self, its absence in a natal chart would likely result in our experiencing all of our emotions in their unfiltered, animalistic form. A lot of people look to the stars for explanations as to why they react the way they do to certain people, places, and situations, but the astrological Moon actually holds some of the keys. This means that our feelings reflect the condition of our physical selves. Emotions, in the eyes of the Stoics, were nothing more than “pathologies of the mind.” The Stoic perspective on emotions was closer to the view that emotional upheaval reflected some disturbing aspect of one’s character or spiritual disarray. Instinctive emotions are what unite us with animals and their compelling desire for sustenance, safety, and protection, and they were meant to be largely passive states. Though they share our emotions of happiness, sadness, and anger, animals lack the logic that makes us human.
What we put into our bodies has a direct correlation to how well they function, so what we eat is crucially important. The Moon holds all the essentials for human life on Earth. We can learn a lot about ourselves through the kinds of food we eat. We use food as comfort, self-nurturing, and our relationship with food links back to our relationship with ourselves, as evidenced by the prevalence of eating disorders which manifest difficult feelings of not being good enough or emotional problems. This may be the result of a history of emotional, psychological, or physical abuse, as well as sexual cruelty and fear. The foundations of most behaviours can be traced back to a person’s formative years. Psychiatrist and neuroscientist Joseph Rhawn says, “emotions are first and foremost experienced in relation to the body, and it is via the body that they are expressed.” Sleep, breathing, and the other bodily functions all happen automatically without our having to give them any thought. As part of our biological system, the heart beats, the lungs supply oxygen, and everything else functions. The Moon controls the circadian rhythms of all living things. In astrology, the Moon goddess is in charge of the monthly menstrual cycle as well as the female reproductive system. About 80 percent of the human body is water, just like the ocean and the tides that the Moon’s gravity causes. Water retention, painful periods, and stomach upset are common symptoms of many lunar afflictions.
The Moon is also associated with our instincts, so when we have doubts about a person, we might get a funny feeling in the pit of our stomach, a tingling sensation, or the chills all over. Similar Moon-like aphorisms refer to our bodies in terms of things we can’t stomach, a gut wrenching experience, or the feeling of having one’s heart ripped out of one’s chest during a difficult relationship. Our thoughts typically elicit a physical reaction from our bodies, and this is because the lunar aspect of our personalities acts as a receptor. When we’ve been through a lot emotionally, our bodies show it. It’s possible for us to feel depleted of all physical strength and vitality. In addition, the feelings of stress, sadness, joy, and anger all cause the body to secrete different hormones. The relationship between the mind and the body, and the power of the latter over the former, has long been at the centre of discussions in the field of psychology.
The History of Psychology put the emotions into 5 stages. One definition of emotion is a “inner feeling,” such as the sadness this person experienced after seeing so much tragedy in the news. Alternatively, we can think of emotions as (2) physiological responses, such as the jitters we get before a big event, or the way our blood boils when we’re irritated, or the way we flush when we’re excited. The third category, “animalistic responses of the emotions,” referred to people’s tendency to behave similarly to animals when experiencing these feelings. Then there are the four mental disorders that the Stoics identify. Taking an astrological perspective, the Moon in Scorpio might be “insane” with jealousy in this situation. People with the Moon in Capricorn are often paralysed by their fears. Lastly, the emotions viewed as a (5) driving force where the Moon in Scorpio individual is “fueled” by the emotion of jealousy and may have lost all control.
One’s feelings “flow with the currents,” “dive deep into the emotional terrain,” and “become oversensitive” when the Moon is in Pisces, where the fishes are symbolic. In this case, the Moon may be seen as disintegrating, falling to pieces, and being easily duped. When the Moon occupies Scorpio, another water sign, the native may experience what is known as “going off the deep end” as a result of their intense feelings of anger and frustration. They use their infamous sting as a form of self-defense because the Scorpion is their astrological ruler. When the Moon is in Sagittarius, it is like having half a man and half a horse: the man side is tamed but the horse side is wild and free. The masculine aspect of a person, the part that asks the big questions, is driven by a passion for justice and endowed with the ability to view life as an adventure.
You’ll find some lunar interpretations down below, but I firmly believe that the entire chart reveals many of the health issues. Many other facets of our personalities are also energetically blocked, tense, and places where we repress emotion that ultimately finds expression in the body (Moon). A lot of these health problems may or may not materialise, but please keep in mind that the astrological readings emphasise the negative emotions and will be depressing to read. I have also been concentrating on the emotional tensions and general unease that can arise from the lunar aspects of the horoscope.
Sun-Moon:Some eye problems have been linked to this astrological combination, which may be an unconscious reaction to the tension caused by the square and opposition aspects, in which the individual feels torn in two different directions. This facet, which represents internal strife, is often interpreted as a reflection of a childhood marked by conflict between the child’s parents. The Sun and Moon are the most important planets in a horoscope, and when they are at odds with one another, it can be challenging to find a way to balance the cosmic pull on an individual’s life. Strong swings in mood are possible for the Sun-Moon person, as are problems with women and illnesses related to the Moon, such as fluid retention. This causes internal conflict because the individual’s sense of self as a unique entity often experiences a general sense of unease as a result. According to astrology, a person’s vitality and heart are under the Sun’s jurisdiction.
Anxiety is thought to be caused by the worrier’s own thoughts, and the focus is typically on the individual’s emotions; this makes it challenging to redirect the mind’s energy, especially when confronted with challenging aspects. There may be a connection to respiratory issues or mental health issues, or perhaps the person just needs to learn to relax more. The rational mind is so affected by the emotions, and its relationship to daily life. Many people with a Moon-Mercury combination are writers, avid readers, or work in the communication field; if this is the case, it can help to work on reducing mental over-stimulation, as the person may be sensitive to criticism and being critical often elicits a sensitive response. Maybe they’re a hypochondriac who’s just fascinated by the human body and health in general.
Moon-Venus:Both planets have associations with the mother, the feminine, and feelings of worth and emotion, so it’s possible that this combination could bring on some drama with the ladies. Hormonal imbalances can be a problem, as can tensions between a woman’s sexuality and her role as a mother. Laziness, self-indulgence, and the need for a sugar rush or other Venusian indulgences to lift one’s spirits are all possible outcomes. Sometimes a child is emotionally fed with sweets and spoiled in place of real affection, and the planetary facet may need to learn to balance out this energy. Female friendships can be tempting, erotic, flirtatious, and spiteful due to the pull between emotional security and the expected role of the woman and the individual’s desires. When the maternal figure and the divine beauty compete for attention, it may symbolise tension in a couple’s marriage. Problems with the ovaries or kidneys may accompany the person’s creative nature and need for aesthetic stimulation. Venus is a symbol of equilibrium and regulation because she controls the endocrine system. As a result, urinary tract infections are more common in women and fall under its jurisdiction.
With this mix, we investigate the physiological effects of anger. The child may have been raised in a home where tensions were high and where the mother frequently lost her cool. It can represent a number of different physical and mental discomforts, including a burning stomach, feeling overheated, and headaches. Accidents involving the head or burns/scalds are possible if the person is too impatient or too quick to act. Due to the antagonistic character of the interaction, destructive actions may be taken in the heat of the moment. Moon’s usual softer side is rough and self-centered, or a strong sense of independence prevails. Sexual issues and inflammation fall under Mars’ purview as well, along with indigestion and heartburn. Furthermore, it controls the immune system and our resistance to illness.
Overindulgence in food and drink as well as emotional excess and exaggeration can cause problems with fat digestion. This person’s huge appetite for life is reflected in their need to learn moderation. It can cause issues in the liver, the thighs, the pituitary gland, and even growths. Being overly emotional or too sluggish is another red flag. There has also been an excess of self-importance and egotism, so it’s important not to get too big for one’s britches.
Having a chronic condition, especially when combined with another, can make a person feel old. The insecure quality of the aspect, along with the accompanying low self-worth, may be an indicator of susceptibility to depression, a lack of positive emotional experiences, and a perception of being unloved. Fertility issues could arise, but the specifics would depend on a complex interplay of astrological factors. The astrological influence of Saturn can reduce fertility because of the way it blocks off areas. If they are exposed to emotional coldness in their early environment, they may internalise it and become harsh with themselves. Frustration and unhappiness result from a lack of emotional expression. There is a heaviness to the heart that weighs the person down; there may also be feelings of shyness, difficulty, and meanness. The contact can represent a person who is too tired to move, sick, poor, lonely, or humiliated by their circumstances, or who is too afraid to reach out for help because of those circumstances. Saturn rules over the organs that are most visible to the naked eye: the skin, bones, teeth, rigidity, chills, flu, arthritis, back pain, and paralysis.
Extreme swings in mood can lead to anxiety and a state of constant vigilance. There may be emotional outbursts and physical symptoms all over the place during menstruation. The person is on edge all the time, perhaps a more intense version of the mental energies that applied to the Moon-Mercury aspect, and as a result, their emotions are easily triggered and amplified. An individual whose personality is characterised by a compulsive need for freedom and chronic dissatisfaction with reality is likely to be one who is always on the lookout for new experiences. Issues with neural activity, hyperactivity, and vigilance toward electrical objects, over-excitement, insomnia, erratic bodily rhythms, disruptive, uncomfortable, volatile feelings, palpitations, tremors, twitches, seizures, and stroke are all possible. Uranus’s influence on health is most commonly seen in issues involving the mind and its operations, as well as in sudden and unexpected mishaps.
Since the boundaries are porous and the emotions are hungry for any and all connections, the environment is a sponge. Addiction to drugs and alcohol, including prescribed medications. Abnormal swelling, dependence on medication, martyrdom, escapism, problems with reality, and troubles with the truth could all develop. A bittersweet melancholy can set in when people’s hopes and dreams for life and love aren’t realised. Individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia share a number of symptoms, including the potential for hallucinations and memory loss, as well as a propensity toward deception and disconnection. issues with the pineal glands and the immune system, chronic fatigue, feelings of weakness and lethargy, indistinct symptoms, and a generalised sense of exhaustion are all symptoms.
Depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation are all possible outcomes of emotional blockage, along with feelings of guilt, self-loathing, and shame. The Moon-Pluto personality struggles to let go of negative emotions and ties to the past. The person’s body stores the poisonous emotion, they brood and are volatile, and they can’t take being made fun of. These emotions are buried deeply, and there are also strong ties to the mother, but the two often have a tense and even cruel relationship. It’s possible that the mother-child relationship is very close, and that the individual experiences extreme emotional swings, states of mind that are either all or nothing, and strong feelings of jealousy and a desire to exert control. There is a risk that the person will experience painful or prolonged periods, ovarian cysts, cancer, ulcers, OCD, piles, cervical disorders, poisoning, abortion, a hysterectomy, or even tragedy.