Dream Big: Jupiter-Neptune

Sensitive Neptune stimulates Jupiter’s expansiveness and idealism, and these two planets together represent the possession of wonderful compassion, a strong sense of the ideal, and dreamy nature. You can often find a powerful religious or sacrificial tone to this natal aspect, and it is frequently found in the charts of preachers, charitable people and religious workers, and anyone who may sacrifice themselves for a greater cause. When Jupiter and Neptune connect you need to believe in something, and without religious faith or beliefs, it can be a dark and bleak reality. According to atheist Richard Dawkins, he contends that faith is mere belief without evidence, a process of non-thinking. A practice he believes only degrades our understanding of the natural world by allowing us to make a claim about the reality that is based solely on personal thoughts and possibly distorted perceptions. Many Jupiterians and Neptunians would strongly disagree with his idea and view of life. Yet, the painful truth is that beliefs cannot always be proven, and there is some truth to his statement that belief is very often without evidence. Jupiter-Neptune believes in something anyway, and usually because there is a strong sense of something larger out there with greater meaning than can be comprehended with the rational mind.
However, when Jupiter forms a hard aspect to Neptune it may cloud and distort Jupiter’s judgment and vision. For Jupiter-Neptune, reality (Saturn) is often a bitter pill to swallow. With Jupiter-Neptune you can be fanatical in your beliefs and have grandiose dreams. If these dreams fail, this often leads to great disappointment and disillusionment. Both Jupiter and Neptune are expansive energies and the tendency to overdo things is here, along with a sense of being unrealistic. Perhaps you are a victim of your own psychology, believing and dreaming that you really can soar above the clouds and across the oceans. Often there is great impracticality, and excessive idealism, but there is also tremendous sensitivity present, a love of animals, compassionate nature, and great humanitarian impulses. Sue Tompkins has described this aspect as having a “misplaced belief in one’s own sainthood.” However, if faced with any bleak moment in your present, it helps to have you around to inspire others to hope and dream for a better tomorrow.
Jupiter expands; therefore, its connections to Neptune increase sensitivity, physically as well as mentally and emotionally….Deep attractions to metaphysics as well as more ordinary expressions or religious belief and philosophical systems prevail. This contact can even indicate true mystics. A great many with this contact can find peace and contentment most easily by involving themselves in a search for inner truth that leads to living from the heart. True ethical behavior springs from a sense of kindness and compassion (Neptune) and justice (Jupiter), epitomized by the most positive expression of this contact. Celestial Psychology: An Astrological Guide to Growth and Transformation