When transiting Pluto moves through the 6th house there will be lessons on purification, self-improvement, and transforming working relationships. This often means that it is a time of intense self-examination, a scrutinizing of flaws, and over-analyzing, but all of this…...
In the case of many planets in this part of the chart, your view of life is colored and very varied. With a greater variety of faces to wear, sometimes it might seem as if you’re wearing them all at…...
Jack Welch an American business executive was married when interviewed by Suzy Wetlaufer, a journalist from the Harvard Business Review. However, he was so mesmerized by this woman that he quickly ended his marriage. The chart is very telling for…...
The fascination and complexity surrounding Saturn in astrology can be quite intriguing. The contrast between Saturn’s astrological significance and its physical beauty in the night sky is fascinating. From a scientific standpoint, Saturn is undeniably a marvel to behold. Its…...
Zane Stein was a man who was violently mugged twice in his lifetime. While once is enough of a trauma for it to happen again feels like bad luck or even something malevolent at work. While it is often men…...
According to Liz Greene:Â I have usually found a Sun-Saturn aspect where there is a drug or alcohol problem, and I think it is because drugs or alcohol seem to ease the pain and frustration of Sun-Saturn. Sun-Saturn can be…...
When the Sun is progressed to Mercury, it stimulates the areas that deal with communication, movement and the intellect. When the Sun, your core essence, sidles up to Mercury, the winged messenger of the gods, your very identity is given…...
It is the Sun’s role in your chart that animates and illuminates the Moon’s activities, infusing them with vitality, enlivenment, and a sense of purpose in a unique way. Your desires and conscious efforts are presently being merged with inner…...
When the Sun is progressed to Jupiter, the time in life that we are currently in will unquestionably be one of the most expansive or exaggerated times of our lives. You are welcomed to investigate the innumerable options available to…...
Neptune’s placement in the 6th house of an individual’s birth chart can bring a set of challenges and sensitivities when it comes to health and wellness. Here’s an explanation of the potential effects 1. Mysterious Ailments and Lingering Conditions: Neptune…...
The term “Grand Cross” in astrology refers to the geometric pattern formed by four planets that are square (90-degree angles) and opposition (180-degree angles) to each other. This pattern creates a giant square shape in the astrological chart. It is…...
Within a romantic relationship there is a danger that Cancer’s mother (or mother in law) could interfere with a loving Cancer relationship. Male Cancers prize and respect the relationship with their mothers so deeply that they may fail to show…...