Through the Zodiac Lens: Liz Greene’s Astrology for Lovers

Liz Greene’s enduring work, “Astrology for Lovers,” which made its debut in 1986 and continues to be in print. This remarkable book has earned its place as a pinnacle among astrological literature, offering an insightful exploration of the twelve zodiac signs that draws in readers and enthusiasts alike. Within its pages, Greene delves into the very essence of each zodiac sign, peeling back the layers of personality and psychology that define them. With her keen writing style, she unveils the characteristics that make each sign unique, painting a vivid portrait of their strengths, weaknesses, and idiosyncrasies.

However, what truly sets “Astrology for Lovers” apart is its candid exploration of the shadow side of the zodiac signs. Greene fearlessly delves into the less flattering aspects of each sign, revealing the vulnerabilities, challenges, and pitfalls that accompany their strengths. With a blend of insight and humor, she sheds light on traits like the “irresponsible-child syndrome” of Gemini, the “guilt-trip-power trip” in Pisces, and the potential hazards of “possibly deadly passivity.” The astrologer’s approach is balanced and meticulous, refusing to paint an overly idealized or romanticized picture of the zodiac signs, acknowledging both the light and the shadow, offering readers a more holistic understanding of the astrological signs that colors our lives.

In her efforts to present a thorough and real perspective of astrology, Greene takes the exploration further by delving into the elemental influences that shape each sign. Her in-depth examination of the elements—fire, earth, air, and water—provides a richer context for understanding the motivations and behaviors of each zodiac sign. 

Take Greene’s words on water signs as an example:

Charmingly infantile about the world of abstract ideas. The helpless female type of both sexes knows nothing about all that political stuff because it’s just so terribly complicated and boring. Water can be pretty irresponsible on a broad social level.”

In Greene’s universe, Scorpio is not cast in the shadow of inferiority compared to the spirited stride of a Sagittarian. She asserts that the astrological wheel is not a hierarchy but a spectrum, where every sign contributes its distinct hue to the broader palette of human expression.

Don’t think the groupie is limited to the shadow side of the Sagittarian women. It’s not. There are as many hangers-on among the male sex in these fields as there are women; and the shadowy Sagittarian of the male variety is no more averse to using a sexual relationship with a glamorous or well known woman to get him into a position of advantage (no pun intended) than the female variety is. Having spent a couple of years working in the Hollywood recording business, I had ample opportunity to observe the groupie phenomenon. It’s observable in any profession where fame, glamour, colour and excitement are part of the show. And the really good groupies, the ones who managed to build a veritable career out of basking in somebody else’s limelight, were usually the Sagittarians. Astrology for Lovers


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