Year: 2024

Neptune in the 4th House

Neptune, it’s like this mystical, otherworldly force, and when it’s in your 4th house, your home life can be a bit chaotic. It’s like having your own personal sea inside your house. Neptune’s influence can turn your inner life into…

Transiting Uranus Trine Natal Sun: Are You up for a Refreshing Change of Pace in Your Life?

When transiting Uranus forms a trine with your natal Sun, it typically heralds a period of significant personal change and newfound freedom. Uranus, as a planet, the breaking of boundaries, which can manifest in various aspects of your life during…...

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The 8th House: Psychic Death

Doesn’t the 8th house have a bearing on death? The 8th house in astrology symbolizes a deep, internal process that can be likened to a psychic or psychological death. It often represents the necessary end of certain aspects of our…...

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Feeling Like a New Sign? Maybe It’s Your 0-Degree Planet!

Traditionally, astrology focuses on the 12 zodiac signs, neglecting the influence of the individual degrees within each sign (which span 30 degrees each). However, a growing number of astrologers believe these degrees hold significant meaning, incorporating them into their interpretations…....

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Venus in the 4th House: Home Sweet Home

With Venus in the 4th house, home isn’t just about bricks and mortar, it’s a place pleasure. Love and good vibes are practically dripping from the ceiling! Astrologers note a few things about this placement. One is the potential for…...

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Enemies of Reason

Listening to Skeptics explain why “Sun sign” astrology is useless reveals the usual juxtaposition between the esoteric realm of astrology and the empirical world of science. When addressing the idea of Sun signs within the astrological framework, scientists often exhibit…