Year: 2024

Mars: A Murderous rage!

Today, we will delve into two cases from the 1980s, where individuals embarked on a violent spree predominantly involving their own family members. Please be advised that the details may be unsettling for some readers, and if you are sensitive…

The Less Evolved Taurus

“The primitive specimen naturally prefers to keep his good things to himself and often, by seeking to save his life, loses it; for excess of vitality stored up, instead of overflowing for the benefit of others, is a danger, and…...

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Scorpio Pins

Having just completed the creation of a series of Leo pins for Pinterest, I turned my attention to crafting Scorpio pins. At this juncture, my youngest son, a Scorpio, entered the living room, attentively observed my activities, and took charge,…

Pluto Transits the Moon: A Heart-Wrenching Story of a Mother’s Suicide

The transit of Pluto to the natal Moon in astrology is often considered an intense and transformative period that can deeply impact an individual’s emotional landscape. The Moon symbolizes emotions, nurturing, and the maternal instinct, while Pluto is associated with…...

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The Less Evolved Virgo

“It has been neatly said, and the saying is often quoted, that the critics are those who have failed. It might be said with greater charity and fuller truth that the critics are those who are not yet sufficiently evolved…...

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Neptune Transits Sun: It’s Difficult to See the Whole Picture When You Are Inside the Frame

Neptune in astrology is often associated with a mystical and dreamy energy, governing the vast expanse of the ocean and symbolizing creativity, healing, and a sense of interconnectedness with all of life. The positive aspects of Neptune’s influence can evoke…...

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The Less Evolved Capricorn

Here is Isabelle Pagan’s take on the less evolved side of Capricorn, as every sign has a shadow, and then we’ll cover more Capricorn traits afterward. “Here we have described the Capricornian at his very best and most successful; but…...

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