Astrological Houses

The 8th House: Psychic Death

Doesn’t the 8th house have a bearing on death? The 8th house in astrology symbolizes a deep, internal process that can be likened to a psychic or psychological death. It often represents the necessary end of certain aspects of our…...

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The Four Angles in Astrology

The moment of our birth marks the inception of a personalized natal chart upon which the universal patterns of astrology unfold, shaping the drama of our lives. At this juncture, the astrological houses and angles come into existence, casting a…...

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The 3rd House Meaning

In astrology, the 3rd house is the  curious, chattering sector of the astrological chart! This is where early habits are formed, ideas get discussed, and our little minds roam and wonder. It’s where our earliest encounters with knowledge take shape,…

Exploring Trauma in the 8th House: Moon-Neptune and the Impact of Sexual Abuse

The traumatic event that occurred when this woman was just 7 years old, where her father sexually attacked her, left a deep and lasting impact on her life. Such a traumatic experience can have far-reaching effects on a person’s emotional…...

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The Enigmatic 12th House: The Influence of Planets on Subconscious Realms

Helen Wambah, an internationally recognized hypnotherapist, has an astrological chart with an unusually high number of planets in the 12th house. The 12th house in astrology represents the unconscious mind, concealed dimensions, karmic effects, and past incarnations. Having a Stellium…...

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