Question: I’ve heard it said t that without FIRE, one isn’t as alive. You don’t have a lot of energy. To be fair, I don’t have fire and appear even more fiery than my husband, whose chart has more fire…....
In ‘Psychological Astrology, Astrological Symbolism and the Human Psyche’ by Karen Hamaker-Zondag, there is a part on the Four Elements and the Psychological Types discussing how the FIRE signs deal with a crisis, a reversal of fortune, or when a…...
Astrologers’ interpretations often portray Fire Signs as individuals leading seemingly picture-perfect lives, akin to living Instagram lives. They are often described as constantly having an exhilarating time, with an almost mythical immunity to sadness or negativity. Life for Fire Signs…...
The Aries, Leo, Sagittarius trio embodies the very essence of what it means to live in the moment, to charge forward with a wildness that defies the drudgery of daily life. But what if we all had a bit of…...
The concept of psychological typing, which acknowledges that individuals do not all function in the same way, has a long history. In this context, astrology has its own unique way of classifying character traits based on the four elements: fire,…...
The FIRE signs are the colors in this monochromatic world; they are a source of delight and intense pleasure. Life enhancing – they hate anything repressive, increasingly gray, dull and orderly. The colors are so intense, fierce, so intrinsically…...
Question: One thing I’ve noticed about all fire sign Suns is a certain kind of spontaneity about them that no other element has. There’s a twinkle in the eye at all times and they can never stay down for…...
In 1901, Edgar De Valcourt-Vermont penned the book “Practical Astrology,” which offered predictions and interpretations based solely on the Sun Sign of individuals. While the book’s insights were generally commendable, the author’s enthusiasm often led him astray. The predictions, though…...
Jung’s Typology and the astrological four elements, as seen through the lens of both analytical psychology and astrology, offers a fascinating intersection of personality theory and ancient wisdom. The work of Carl Jung, particularly his concepts of psychological types, has…...
It’s through Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius where life flows wildly and continuously. The element of fire always seems like it’s the most fun. It is eager, hot, enthusiastic, dynamic, dramatic, refusing to be contained by anything outside its own desire…...
The horoscope chart is a powerful tool in astrology that incorporates all four elements (FIRE, EARTH, AIR, and WATER), along with houses, planets, and other astrological elements. It is believed that everything on this astrological map is complete and nothing…...
Empedocles, a fifth-century BC Greek philosopher, recognized Fire, Earth, Air, and Water as elements. He enlightened us with the idea that the nature of the universe consists of two opposing values called love and conflict operating within the four elements…