Relationship Astrology: Synastry and Composite

Mars-Mars Aspects Synastry: When Both Partners Want to Lead

When Mars forms an aspect with Mars in synastry, it signifies a dynamic and intense exchange of energy between two individuals. This connection speaks to the interplay of active forces within the relationship, which can manifest as both constructive and…...

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Unveiling the Astonishing Power of Venus-Pluto Aspects in Synastry: Witness the Spellbinding Transformation of Venus!

When Venus and Pluto form a synastric aspect, a fascinating psychological dance unfolds between the two individuals. This celestial connection signifies a profound and passionate interest that resonates reciprocally. In this captivating bond, the individuals involved embark on a journey…...

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Venus-Neptune Aspects Synastry: A French Kiss

l’aspect Vénus-Neptune en astrologie en synastry est l’amour idéal. C’est l’amour imaginaire. Okay, less French and more English. Coming from the country of love, France, this interpretation seemed positively dreamy. Possibly because it’s the sweetness and light combined with a…...

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Venus-Saturn Aspects Synastry: Venus Brings the Flowers

The Venus-Saturn aspect in synastry can be a blessing, a trial, or both, depending on how the people involved handle the alchemy between Saturn’s critical gaze and Venus’s softer inclinations. Let’s start with the pros: These aspects do lend a…...

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Venus-Mars Synastry Aspects: A Powerful Sexual Attraction

Venus in aspect to Mars in synastry often indicates a partnership experiencing both the best and worst of cupid’s arrow. Venus is attracted by Mars’ energy and initiative, while Mars feels confident and strong when offering protection and leadership to…...

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Mercury-Pluto Synastry: The Hannibal Lecter Effect

Mercury’s relationship with Pluto in synastry goes beyond mere compatibility; it’s a magnetic connection that sparks profound and transformative conversations between partners. When these two planets align in a relationship chart, they create an intense dynamic that leaves a lasting…...

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Mercury-Uranus Synastry: A Stimulating Cerebral Attraction

According to Martin Schulman, the mental exchange that occurs when Mercury forms a synastry aspect to Uranus is energising, electrifying, and full of life. Mercury benefits from Uranus’ originality, and Uranus is encouraged to think of more out-of-the-box ideas by…...

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