Astrology Articles

Aries: The Lone Warrior

Aries is the firestarter, the trailblazer, the exclamation mark! The essence of this sign isn’t about pondering the mysteries of existence with a furrowed brow, nor getting lost in the navel-gazing maze of transcendence. No, Aries is that pure, undiluted…

Leo: The Shiny One

The mighty Leo, second in the fire-sign pantheon, often gets a bit of flak from the astrologically inclined scribblers. Some folks say the lion is not as brave as his majestic mane would have us believe, but maybe this is…

Chiron Podcast

    I fed my Chiron notes into NotebookLM, where it transforms them into a charming little podcast, hosted by a lovely-sounding man and woman. It’s one of those features everyone seems to be raving about. You can take notes…

Mars in Aquarius: Sex drive

Question: Does Mars In Aquarius have a high sex drive? Mars, the planet of action and desire, governs how we pursue what we want, including, of course, the more carnal pursuits of life. Aquarius, on the other hand, is the…