Sun: The Art of Living
In astrology, the Sun is a celestial body that carries profound symbolism, representing an all-encompassing vital force that courses through all human beings and the natural world. Often regarded as the radiant source of life, it serves as a beacon of light that holds back the encroaching darkness, both literally and metaphorically. The Sun’s symbolism is rich and multifaceted, encompassing themes of vitality, self-discovery, and the quest for authenticity. The Sun is often associated with the concept of vitalism, signifying an innate life force that drives all living creatures. This vitalism is akin to the beating heart of the cosmos, supplying the energy needed for growth, development, and sustenance. It represents the inexhaustible wellspring of life, continuously moving forward into the future, undeterred by obstacles or challenges.
Within the realm of astrology, the Sun is frequently considered the “control center” of an individual’s birth chart. It plays a pivotal role in shaping one’s personality, ambitions, and core identity. At its purest expression, the Sun symbolizes strength, authenticity, and the fundamental sense of self, often referred to as the “I am” presence. It serves as a reminder of our unique individuality, encouraging us to embrace our true selves and shine our inner light. The Sun’s significance extends beyond the mundane aspects of life; it delves into the depths of the soul. It represents the light within each person, a beacon of genuineness that illuminates the path towards self-realization and self-expression. This inner light, like the Sun itself, radiates warmth and brilliance, bringing forth qualities such as confidence, creativity, and leadership.
For those who delve into the mystical realms of astrology and spirituality, the Sun takes on an even deeper meaning. It is often perceived as the “outer eye” of individual awareness, the part of our consciousness responsible for our personal identity. Like a guiding star, it leads us towards the luminosity of higher consciousness, encouraging us to explore the depths of our being and embrace our inner truth. In essence, the Sun in astrology serves as a powerful symbol of life’s vitality, the essence of one’s true self, and the pursuit of authenticity and self-discovery. It invites us to bask in its radiant glow, encouraging us to step into our own brilliance and live our lives with purpose, warmth, and genuine self-expression.
One may know everything about astrology and make a mess of one’s life. Yet the connection between the astrology and the art of living is there, and for me it provides the clue to the survival of a science which has long been termed a pseudo-science. What, I ask, can be more important than the knowledge of how to live one’s life on earth? Henry Miller, Foreword: His World of Urania
The concept that all human beings are connected to a divine source, reflecting a larger power in the universe, is a deeply spiritual and philosophical idea that has been explored across various cultures and belief systems. This perspective suggests that there is an intrinsic connection between the individual and the divine, and it carries with it several profound implications. According to this belief, each person is inherently whole and carries a divine spark within them. This divine spark is a reflection of the divine source, suggesting that every individual has a fundamental connection to a greater spiritual reality. It implies that God, or the divine, is not separate from us but is an integral part of our being.
This perspective also posits that we are eternal beings, and our existence transcends the physical realm. It suggests that no one is ever truly lost or diminished, as our souls continue to exist beyond the boundaries of this life. This notion is often associated with the concept of reincarnation or an eternal afterlife. It is commonly believed that we are here in the physical world to evolve our souls and perfect our beings. Life is seen as a journey of growth and self-discovery, where we learn and develop spiritually through our experiences and choices. This belief emphasizes personal responsibility and the importance of conscious self-improvement.
However, the question arises: If God is considered to be all-knowing and omnipotent, why would God need us to experience life and learn? This is a complex theological and philosophical question that has been explored by thinkers like Carl Jung, especially in his work “Answer to Job.” Jung’s perspective introduces the idea that God, in the form of Yahweh or any other divine entity, might require humans to participate in the process of consciousness expansion and self-awareness. Some interpretations suggest that God, despite being all-knowing, seeks to experience and understand different facets of existence through the lives of individual beings. In this view, human experiences contribute to the expansion of God’s consciousness.
Jung’s perspective implies that humans play a role in co-creating and enriching the cosmic consciousness. By gaining self-awareness and consciousness, individuals contribute to the overall evolution and development of the universe. The concept also raises questions about the nature of divine will and the mystery of God’s intentions. It challenges the traditional view of a passive, all-knowing God and explores a more dynamic and interactive relationship between the divine and humanity.
In other words, the message of the oracle was not “psychic”, but revealed in a flash the essential pattern underpinning the individual’s life, or highlighted the bare bones of a chapter in that life. We are really looking at what we mean by destiny, rather than “fate” in the compulsive sense, and in this respect Apollo’s prophecies are indeed related to the astrological Sun. When we glimpse an inner design or destiny, it gives our lives meaning and gives us something to live for; and we can get insight into that design if we look at the placement of the Sun in the birth chart by house, sign and aspect. Here is our future, the person we are potentially capable of becoming and deeply wish and need to become, if we are to feel our lives have some reason other than eating, reproducing, and dying. We may misinterpret the flash of meaning which the Sun gives, depending on our age, circumstances, and emotional needs and conflicts. But the core story of the individual’s destiny is already known somewhere inside, and this is perhaps why the Sun is so closely connected with vocation, one’s “calling”, or, as Howard Sasportas put it, “a call from the inner Self”. Sun-God Apollon – Liz Greene