Mercury in Pisces Fall
If you were to guess, who would be the worst possible opponent of your consciousness? The answer can be discovered in a bottle on the high seas… Pisces can easily disappear from the waking world since they have the ability to turn off their awareness. Yes, dreamy Pisces. Inattentive Pisces. Pisces, the sign of chaos. Pisceans who don’t try to filter everything out. As a result of this symbol, a whole lot of material nobody knows can freely roam around in their heads. Mercury can’t handle the intensity of Pisces; it can cause mental overload. Logic’s razor’s edge is muted by a richer intuitive undercurrent. When the mind is in the last water sign, it can have a long, rejuvenating swim with the fishes in an ocean of insight.
Mercury in Pisces Fall
Even while a clear, rational, and reasonable mind is widely appreciated in our culture, it’s important to recognise that there are other types of intelligence that deserve recognition as well. When the mind is ruled by Mercury in Pisces, however, instinct takes precedence over logic. Traditional astrologers used phrases like “not always possessing a stable mind” and “at times appearing dormant” to describe this placement. Where have they gone? It’s as if the subject’s subconscious has taken over their conscious mind and they have completely blanked out, no longer caring about the outside world. Despite this, they have a great opportunity to reflect on their lives and learn valuable lessons from the inner world to which they retreat when they swim, as well as to return with innovative ideas and objects from the ocean that can be of use to others. With Mercury in Pisces, one’s ideas take on a more intuitive, mystical tone as one turns within and downward. Some people may find the information they have received useful, while others may not. This is because the knowledge they have was acquired in an unusual way, and they are unsure of where or how they obtained it.
The Undefined Mind
If a planet is positioned in Pisces, it will experience life through a prismatic lens. Numerous viewpoints, realities, and ideas exist. There is a total lack of definition. It all makes no sense. There may be no words at all, or they may be spoken softly and delicately. Being in this position does not make one less intelligent. Their unreliability arises, however, when they are presented with something that is too concrete, factual, or full of non-imaginative data that can’t go anywhere else. Those with this personality type are at their most effective when they are permitted to make use of their vivid imagination in creative pursuits like art, poetry, or symbolic interpretation.
The person with Mercury in Pisces may be a sort of oracle, uttering deep and mystical statements which “just come to her” and which surge from the treasures of the Collective Unconscious, having collective, rather than individual wisdom, but in either case a summing up of the past which one simply voices, in however an inspired fashion it may be. Such a person’s mind seems to have at the same time, tremendous depth and great practicality; this is because it strides over two cycles, ending one and beginning the other….It is thus a revolutionary mind, which abhors all static categories and glories in renunciation – or perhaps in psychological escapes. The Zodiac Matrix