Individuals who possess a significant astrological aspect between Mercury and Uranus exhibit a unique and innovative mental framework that is truly transformative. This celestial alignment imbues them with the power to revolutionize established norms and conventions, offering groundbreaking solutions to…...
In 1901, Edgar De Valcourt-Vermont penned the book “Practical Astrology,” which offered predictions and interpretations based solely on the Sun Sign of individuals. While the book’s insights were generally commendable, the author’s enthusiasm often led him astray. The predictions, though…...
MERCURY-URANUS With Mercury in aspect to Uranus, you possess a truly unique and innovative mind that sets you apart from others. It’s as if you can tap into a wellspring of knowledge that seems almost otherworldly, bringing forth new and…...
I’ve seen charts before of people setting themselves on fire. The patterns have often involved Mars, Uranus, and Pluto in some kind of configuration. A chart I researched recently had Mars conjunct Uranus. Mars being in the second house in…...
Scorpio, if you’re reading this: who let you in? In any case, a no-trespassing sign only summons your rebellious blood. If someone gets on your bad side, you become the zodiac’s pit terrier, and the saying “revenge is a dish best-served…...
Since the 7th house governs our relationships with others and the general public, it is likely that the effects of Pluto in this area will be externalised. Based on his reading of The Development of the Personality by Liz Greene…...
The astrologer, once again, emphasizes Aries‘ independence and fierceness, sentiments echoed for, like, the eleventh billionth time. After millennia of obsession with astrology, is there anything left to say about the Arian character? But let’s not be dismissive; let’s delve…...
An individual with Pluto in the 11th house of friendship, associations, and acquaintances has deeply felt experiences within the area of groups, which brings about the changes required. Firstly, the person’s actions will involve weeding out true friends, groups, and…...
Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by Saturn, embodies a blend of pragmatism, resilience, and ambition that sets them apart from other zodiac signs. They approach life with a strikingly realistic perspective, steering clear of quick fixes and the continuous push…...
The Good Vibrations – Mercury-Jupiter is the superstar teacher and has the desire to grow the mind. Often it is nothing less than the love of knowing things, a passion for probing. In these people, the central goal is to…...
With trines, you may have a curiosity about spiritual things, but you may not do anything about it. In fact, I’ve seen that in many cases, too. People with a lot of Neptune trines, especially Neptune trine the Sun –…...
The Mercury in Pisces assistant has layers of a sensitive mind; deep down this go-between is a non- rational, non-definable, supernatural source of knowledge. Put it this way, there is no commitment to reason. They seek to know more about the…...