Pluto, the “black lord” of the planets, is a representation of the underworld and the dreadful reality that lies behind the solar consciousness, the ego, social graces, and the veneer of the people at large. The planet, which takes five…...
1. Saturn in the horoscope is where we are highly bound, operating from repetitive patterns that keep us safely away from any threatening situations. This is done by inauthentic ways of expression and the more this behavior is strengthened, real…...
1. Uranus individuals, rightly or wrongly, believe that most of us are like sheep, stupid animals programmed by nature to bleat out the wishes of society. Whatever most people follow Uranians want nothing to do with. If everybody wears a gray…...
Venus in Scorpio reveals an intense approach to love and relationships that transcends the superficial and ventures deep into the realms of passion and vulnerability. This astrological placement despises shallow, surface-level connections, opting instead to explore the profound complexities of…...
The Venus-Uranus aspect in a woman’s psychology attracts her to the rebellious, which is why she is enchanted by the cheeky, attractive, and chaotic image of the rebel. The cosmos has bestowed upon this Uranian gentleman a pair of luscious,…...
Question: Is Scorpio’s sign associated with satan? The intrigue surrounding Scorpios persist, fueled by a blend of morbid fascination and trepidation ingrained in the collective consciousness. This enigmatic sign, symbolized by the Scorpion with its potent sting, continues to capture…...
“The Zodiac and the Soul,” written by Charles E.O. Carter back in 1928, reveals a profound understanding of the human psyche. While some critics may have deemed Carter’s interpretations as overly pessimistic, his astute readings often ring true. While Carter…...
Sun-Uranus contacts have the reputation of possessing a troublemaking spirit. They are said to indicate a personality which is contrary, someone who overturns things, and dares to be different; the kind who likes to see themselves as apart from the crowd…...
The Aquarian type will, explicitly, give us a heads up that their life does not always proceed in a linear fashion. As they’re drawn to the free thinking aspect of this world, connecting the dots as they go along, receiving…...
THE ALIEN PLANET When Uranus stirs in the heavens, it’s like the air crackles with electricity, urging you to break free from those invisible shackles of conformity. You know the ones—the obligations, the societal scripts, the roles that were handed…...
Whatever your interactions are like in social circumstances, you have to confess that when no one is looking, you behave in a completely different manner. In addition, you’ll behave differently in different scenarios as well. Consider the example of someone…...
1. The Sun is central on the birth chart, reflecting each individual’s desire to become distinctive, special, and noteworthy through creative effort. This need exists in everyone, and while the light-giving light of this planet is the symbol of…...