Drama finds you. Psychological intensity radiates from you. When you walk into a room, there’s a witchy, almost shamanic energy just beneath the surface. These are Plutonian qualities and Pluto is the natural ruler of the eighth house, so its…...
You is an American psychological thriller television based on the novel by Caroline Kepnes. The series follows Joe Goldberg, a New York bookstore manager and serial killer who falls in love with a customer named Guinevere Beck and quickly develops…...
When the Moon is progressed to Mercury in your astrological chart, your emotions and communication style takes center stage in your life. In this timeframe, the convergence of your inner thoughts and external interactions shapes the manner in which you…...
Ostensibly we all choose our friends- unlike family, those are voluntary relationships. But friendship, like deeper forms of intimacy, is partly karmic too. We have evolutionary business with people who seem to be inexplicable “choices.” With Pluto in the seventh…...
Paul Claudel, a French writer, diplomat, and poet, was transformed by a deep spiritual experience that forever altered his life. He characterised it as “in a split second, my heart was touched, and I knew I was right.” This encounter…...
You will become extremely sensitive once the Sun has progressed to Neptune. While this may make certain aspects of your life more difficult, it also means that you will learn a great deal about who you are as you go through…...
Pluto is harbinger of transformation, lurking like a shadow in the astrological depths. Pluto doesn’t just knock on the door of your psyche; it rips it off its hinges, exposing everything you’ve tried so hard to tuck away neatly. A…...
Stephen Arroyo says, Progressed Sun conjunct Uranus (male, 27 years old): marked period of great changes both in his outer life and in his inner sense of purpose and individuality. He moved to a different state at the beginning of…...
When truly dreadful things happen in life, you find out who your friends are. It can be a bitter phrase or a very sweet one, depending on whether the people you count on daily will prove reliable. With Pluto in…...
Question: I struggle to understand air signs; there’s something elusive about them. As someone who is emotional, deep, and passionate, encountering individuals who are emotionless, detached, and cool like air signs feels strange. I respect their skill in emotionally distancing…...
Question: I can’t stand astrology, because I feel like it limits me. How do I sever all bonds with astrology and my “zodiac”? Astrology is meant to help you understand yourself more deeply not to limit your sense of identity…...
Heaven! Elusive, isn’t it? How often have you thought: If only I had that house then I’d be satisfied! If only I could find someone truly to love me…then I’d be happy! If only I wasn’t under so much financial…...