Saturn Return Stories
Saturn return stories always fascinate me, even though mine occurred well over 15 years ago. I still find myself reflecting on that transformative period. Often, when delving into books or online content where someone recounts a particularly challenging or achievement-filled period, it becomes evident that the individual was under their Saturn return, given the age typically associated with this astrological phenomenon. This period of life typically occurs around the ages of 28-30, and again at 58-60, signifying major life transitions, self-discovery, and personal growth. However, not everyone can immediately recognize the shifts during this time, and some people’s experiences are more vivid and diverse than others. Today, I’ll delve into another Saturn return story, reminiscent of my own.
In my case, I entered a new phase by securing a mortgage with my partner for a house, marking a significant grown-up change. Simultaneously, I distanced myself from a group, primarily an online astrology community, paving the way for me to create my own astrology website. Looking back, it seems the stars were urging me to chart my own path and initiate something independently. Little did I know that this decision would lead me to where I am now.
The Saturn return brings about a phase marked by a sense of newfound responsibility and separation. As Liz Greene notes regarding this transit, individuals may find that the structures they’ve constructed, if not robust or sustainable enough, compel them to become more self-sufficient. This period can be characterized by a breakdown for some, not necessarily a full-on psychic break, but noticeable when the weight of responsibilities becomes burdensome.
If you’re young and eagerly awaiting your Saturn return, there are insightful articles available on here to gain a fuller understanding of what to expect. For those like me, who just turned 45 yesterday (#Pisces), reflecting astrologically on life and revisiting past transits is intriguing. Even though the Saturn return may feel like a distant memory, exploring past transits offers a chance to observe how Saturn’s aspects have progressively influenced one’s life. Examining these patterns can provide valuable insights.