Mercury-Neptune: The Absorbent Mind
I recently came across this gem of an audio app (Google Play Store) on Android called Reader by ElevenLabs. It lets you upload EPUB books, add your own text, or even create fun little podcasts—all for free! The best part? The voices are stunningly natural, smooth, and downright lovely to listen to. It’s like having a personal audiobook companion, but without the hefty price tag (I’m not a paid sponsor, just a genuinely happy user.) You can even set a sleep timer, which is a lifesaver for those of us who drift off mid-chapter. Typically, I only make it through about 15 minutes before slipping into dreamland. The other night, though, I woke in the early hours, unable to get back to sleep. So, I played an audiobook on the app but foioioioioiorgot to set the timer. It just carried on reading while I snoozed away, and then it began to seamlessly enter into my subconscious.
That’s when it got strange: I had this dream of someone pacing the street, looking at a piece of paper and counting—“219, 220…”—over and over. When I finally woke, the app was still reading aloud, rattling off numbers from the end of the book—“230, 231.” It seems the counting in my dream wasn’t random but picked up from my unconscious.
It’s a fascinating phenomenon, isn’t it? The way our minds absorb and transform what we hear while we’re not fully conscious. I’m sure it’s a common occurrence and not just because my Mercury in Pisces squares Neptune. Though, to be fair, that does lend me a dreamy and highly suggestible nature. Sometimes, I really do have to remind myself to take control of my wayward thoughts! I feel like I’m always dreaming, reading, listening, and sleeping with audio playing in the background—constantly drifting off into a world of words and sounds.
There are things I seem to know without realizing I know them, fragments that seep in and settle without my conscious awareness. Working so much with words and text floods my mind, leaving it overwhelmed at times. You wouldn’t want to see my collection of notes—it’s a chaotic sea of ideas, scribbles, and half-formed thoughts. I’ve often attributed this to my Mercury-Neptune aspect, that strange dance between imagination and perception. I’m just a sponge, helplessly soaking in the world’s spillages.
But it does make me wonder—and sometimes worry—how much slips past my conscious defenses. What else is seeping into my subconscious, quietly entering itself into my thoughts? It’s a little unnerving to think about how suggestible we can be, how much we absorb without realizing it. It’s like having an open door policy, but with no security guard to check credentials.