The idea of resolving Pluto trauma through techniques like reliving events in a hypnotic state and constructing a satisfactory conclusion is a concept that is aligned with certain therapeutic approaches, such as hypnotherapy and various forms of exposure therapy. These…...
Trauma is a pervasive and often underestimated force in our lives. Its impact is far-reaching, affecting virtually everyone in one way or another, although many of us may be reluctant to acknowledge just how deeply it runs within us. Trauma…...
Question: In individuals with Mars in Sagittarius, is there a tendency towards infidelity in their relationships? The idea that an astrological chart can determine whether someone will cheat or remain faithful is a common misconception. Astrology primarily deals with celestial…...
The evolving landscape of synastry has given rise to a new and intriguing perspective that places great significance on the role of Mercury in the synastry chart. In this context, Mercury, the planet associated with communication and intellect, has emerged…...
Question: Is Venus square Jupiter truly a bad aspect? Venus and Jupiter are often hailed as benefic planets, bestowing positive and harmonious influences on those they touch. However, it’s important to remember that even these benevolent planets can exhibit negative…
When transiting Uranus trines Venus, you’re feeling that thirst for something unexpected—a yearning to break free from the usual relationship patterns. That doesn’t mean a rebellion for the sake of it, it’s more about allowing space for the genuine freedom…...
Question: Is the intensity of emotion in a Mars-Pluto relationship a positive or negative thing? I experienced it with my ex, where I often felt like I was the one in control. He seemed to derive pleasure from provoking my…...
Transiting Neptune Trine Jupiter: Miracles, Mystical Experiences, and Abundance Beyond Belief?
When transiting Neptune trines Jupiter, a harmonious and supportive alignment between these two celestial bodies occurs, and this astrological aspect brings about a sense of heightened connection and attunement between their energies. Neptune and Jupiter, though different in their fundamental…...
Venus, the planet often referred to as the “Morning Star” and the “Evening Star,” has captured the imagination of humans for centuries. This dazzling Venus shines brilliantly in the night sky and can be observed with the naked eye. In…...
Question: I possess a T-square, with the apex planet located in my 7th house. Could the 1st house serve as its release? In astrology, a “T-square” is a complex aspect pattern that provides astrologers with valuable insights into a person’s…
In astrology, the Moon is often regarded as the celestial body that deeply connects us to our emotional core. It symbolizes our immediate, instinctive reactions and serves as a key influence on our mood and emotional well-being. The Moon’s position…...
Question: What is the lesson that Venus in Capricorn has to learn? Venus in Capricorn individuals exude a love style that is reminiscent of the classic, old-world romance rooted in the traditions and values of days gone by. They are…...