Relationship Astrology: Synastry and Composite

Venus-Neptune Synastry: Soulmate Love Can Be Dangerous

Venus and Neptune in synastry create a dreamy, intoxicating blend of love and longing. When these two forces come together in synastry, the connection is undeniably romantic—though grounded? Not in the slightest. This connection is the stuff of dreams. Venus,…...

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Jupiter-Saturn Synastry: Laughing in the Face of Limitation

Jupiter and Saturn in synastry symbolize a connection of expansion and contraction, of faith and discipline, of boundless optimism brought back down by the heavy hand of reality. One’s the wild-eyed visionary,  laughing in the face of limitation (Jupiter), while the…...

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Mercury-Saturn Synastry: The Teacher and the Trickster

Mercury-Saturn contacts in synastry are not the lusty, breathless energy of Mars and Venus, nor the dreamy, entangled souls of a Moon-Neptune dalliance. This is the realm of communication, the scaffolding of thought between two people. Saturn, ever the serious…...

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Sun-Saturn Synastry: Alchemical Gold

The Sun-Saturn connection in synastry (relationship astrology) is one of the most significant and binding aspects between two people. The Sun represents conscious self-expression, vitality, and purpose—it’s the core of one’s identity. Saturn, on the other hand, symbolizes discipline, responsibility,…...

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