Uranus in synastry has an affinity for shaking up our earthbound affairs, particularly in the tender territory of relationships. This planet is not content to let things remain stagnant. Its influence is a call for change, for a bit of…...
Mars is planet of action, drive, and the occasional boxing match. In the world of astrology, Mars gets a bit of a reputation, doesn’t it? It’s like the scrappy younger sibling in the planetary family—always ready to stir things up,…...
In its highest form, Saturn is a teacher who bestows upon us enduring insights and abilities. Saturn’s primary effect is to instill a strong feeling of responsibility, but not merely for meeting the expectations of others; rather, Saturn teaches us…...
Mercury, the “loves to talk” planet, holds astrological significance in determining communication styles, intellectual compatibility, and mental dynamics in relationships. In synastry, which refers to the comparison of two individuals’ birth charts to gain insights into their compatibility, the placement…...
Venus and Chiron in synastry create an interplay of love and pain, beauty and vulnerability. This is something that many of us know all too well, whether we’re aware of it or not. It’s saying, “Yes, love is beautiful, but…...
Question: Since I don’t know much about synastry, I have to ask: If Venus trines Saturn in two charts, does one person or the other feel more loyalty? In synastry, Venus trine Saturn, while it may lack the passion, it…...
When Pluto is involved in a cross aspect to one of your personal planets, it’s like an intense ride of emotions – one minute you’re on top of the world, the next you’re questioning your entire existence. It’s like being…...
If you’re looking for a book to help you through the rocky waters of relationships, Pauline Stone’s Relationship’s Astrology and Karma is an absolute gem! Although it doesn’t cover all of the synastry aspects, it does focus on the “karmic”…...
When the Sun and Jupiter align in synastry, there boundless potential between two individuals. This celestial convergence presents an opportunity for transformative growth and invaluable lessons. The Sun, a radiant orb of identity and self-expression, embodies the very essence of…...
Yo, in synastry chart, when the Sun and Jupiter vibe It’s all about progress, success, and getting that material and spiritual high Yo, check it out, this couple’s love be inspiring Motivating each other to grow, never tiring, They share…...
Question: Does having someone else’s Mars in your 3rd house indicate that you fantasise about having sex with that person frequently? Although Freud felt that love, sex, fantasies, and even ambivalence are all present in our thinking, both consciously and…...
Astrologer Carol Rushman’s work on the natal promise for marriage presents a traditional technique that offers insights into an individual’s marital experiences by examining the placement of the Sun and its applying aspects within their natal chart. This technique provides…