Question: Are you a slow learner, or do you have a communication disability due to Saturn in the 3rd house? Or are you just a bad communicator? And how can one go about getting rid of these problems? This placement…...
When Saturn transits the 9th house there will be issues concerned with traveling and seeking higher education, finding laws and meanings, or generally learning in a more scholarly way. The young became more discriminating, allowing themselves time to travel or…...
When Saturn transits the 7th house, we must take relationships seriously. Our primary partnership will be the focus area for growth during this transiting period. At this time, we define what is most essential in this area of relating to…...
Saturn transiting the 5th house teaches you that even the things that make your heart sing require commitment, discipline, and a pinch of perseverance. This is the moment where Saturn helps you to bring out your inner artist, the hidden…...
With Saturn in the 8th house, an individual encounters their greatest fears and challenges within the realm of deep intimacy. This part of the chart is inherently a sensitive and vulnerable area, dealing with issues related to shared resources, sexuality,…...
You may choose an older, more serious partner who, while dependable and reliable, and probably a solid financial provider as well, depresses and restricts your ability to express yourself since he does not understand or appreciate your own wants. Women…...
Question: Saturn in the 7th house is blimmin awful! My life is made hell because of it. It blocks me entirely. I’m starting to believe I’m doomed to loneliness in this life. Any thoughts? Liz Greene calls this placement of Saturn…...
Question: Since Saturn is my 12th house, I believe that my soul purpose in this life is to overcome crippling insecurities, face huge responsibilities, severe limitations, and heal a buried past in order to attain emotional wholeness. What do you think?…...
Saturn’s placement in the 9th house of your birth chart means that your faith and belief systems may have been shaped by various experiences throughout life. This position of Saturn indicates a need for a practical and grounded approach to…...
The 11th house in astrology symbolizes the realm of social networks, friendships, and group affiliations. It is associated with the idea of being part of various clubs, organizations, and communities. However, the concept of membership and belonging within these groups…...
Question: I hate Saturn in the 12th house because it’s pretty much the only placement that has no definable interpretation that isn’t insanely vague. Yes, I know it has to do with the subconscious but that doesn’t mean it can’t…...
Zipporah Dobyns calls Saturn the planet of feedback—a critic providing not just a slap on the wrist when you’ve been neglectful but a hearty pat on the back when you’ve diligently toiled away at your tasks. Saturn is your strict…...