The 5th house is ruled by Leo, and the Sun, which means it represents the core of who we are, the self in its most glowing, uncompromised form. So, when planets are in the 5th house, it’s like they’re being…...
Question: I’ve had several meaningful conversations with many water signs, and I’ve noticed a common theme: most of them trust their intuition, though some acknowledge that it can sometimes lead them astray. While some water signs believe their gut instincts…...
Question: Does the Mercury-Pluto synastry aspect typically result in mental control and abuse, with Pluto exerting cruelty or humiliation over Mercury’s mental state? Are there instances of mind games and manipulation of thoughts in this astrological interaction? If we’ve got…...
With Venus opposite Uranus in your natal chart, it does tend to shake things up in the realm of relationships, and not always in the cozy, predictable, “let’s grow old together on the porch” kind of way. This is more…
When Pluto, the harbinger of transformation, transits in aspect to the Moon – our emotional core, our instinctive self, the carrier of memory and intuition – things can get a bit… intense. Like opening an old suitcase you’d shoved to…...
When Neptune transits to the Moon, it’s a stirring that leaves us feeling a little misty-eyed. It puts a soft-focus filter over our emotional landscape, inviting us to dive into the deep waters of nostalgia. We may find ourselves hypnotized…...
With Saturn in the 4th house of your natal, it’s placed right in the heart of your most vulnerable, most personal terrain, in the living room of your inner psyche, overseeing all the unspoken feelings, and the deep-rooted childhood memories….
In astrology, the Moon governs our emotional realm, our instinctual responses, and that deep, often unspoken connection to the maternal and the home. Uranus, on the other hand, is all about disruption, innovation, and unexpected shifts. The Moon symbolizes what…...
When Pluto transits the Sun, it demands a complete renovation of your life, whether you’re ready or not. Pluto transits don’t just knock politely at the door; they burst through it, declaring that the old wallpaper of your identity simply…...
If you have Saturn in the 3rd house, your greatest fears to overcome are right in the neighborhood of your mind—where all your thoughts, conversations, and ideas reside. What a challenge you’ve got here! You might find that words don’t…...
With your Sun trine Saturn natal aspect, this configuration feels like a serene, steady heartbeat in your life. It brings a grace that is often mistaken for restraint. There’s something wonderfully grounded about the Sun in such harmonious contact with…
When Neptune transits the Sun, it asks the ego – the sense of “me-ness” – to take a backseat. A bit of a surrender, if you will. However, Neptune doesn’t dissolve boundaries for the sake of chaos; it’s more like…...