Mercury, in its role as the messenger, mediator, and the grand connector of our chart, is the mind’s mouthpiece—how we convey who we are, how we digest information, and how we translate the ineffable into words and thoughts. It’s the…
When you have Mercury trine Neptune in your natal chart, it’s like your mind has found a secret passageway into a dreamscape where imagination and reality come together. You’re floating through conversations, not just hearing words, but feeling them, as…
The Moon is the mistress who hangs in the sky like a pale mirror, reflecting back our deepest yearnings and tender vulnerabilities. A symbol not just of the tides, but of the emotional ebb and flow within each of us…....
Question: I found this reading online. It nearly brought me to tears. It’s by Gururattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D. What are your thoughts? “We all have every astrological sign somewhere in our birth chart. Each sign holds a key to our…...
Question: My progressed Moon is currently in the 8th house, and I’m eagerly awaiting its transition. This phase has been incredibly lonely and depressing for me. Despite my efforts to escape this rut, just as I feel close to overcoming…...
The Sun in astrology is that central force, the nucleus of our very essence—the ego, if you will, though not in the inflated, self-centered way we often think of ego. Brené Brown’s phrase “the center will hold” resonates deeply with…...
Question: Robert Hand says that a Moon and Saturn aspect in synastry is an indication that there is a lack of emotional affinity between the two of you. You may be able to work together as business associates on various…
When transiting Pluto aspects Mars in a natal chart, it marks a period of deep transformation regarding your primal instincts, such as aggression, power dynamics, and sexuality. The impact of this transit can vary dramatically, depending on the type of…...
Minor Transit (venus) to an Outer Planet (Pluto): A Generational Fatal Attraction Style Frenzy?
Question: Hello! I’ve been studying astrology for a few years now, but every so often, I come across something that confuses me, and I can’t quite figure it out. A couple of days ago, I was looking at my transits…...
In astrology, a Mars-Saturn contact in your birth chart signifies an interaction between the energies of Mars, representing drive, aggression, and action, and Saturn, symbolizing discipline, restriction, and challenges. This contact often pushes you into scenarios where your limits are…...
Question: I have not studied much about it. Is it just a locking up of energy in the signs? Let’s unravel this mystical knot together, shall we? The T-square in astrology is a complex aspect that often symbolizes tension, stress,…
With a Mercury-Saturn aspect in your astrological chart, the influence of Saturn can manifest as a tendency towards overly serious thinking. Although this might sound like a straightforward interpretation, its impact on your life can be profound, shaping your perceptions…...