According to Liz Greene: I have usually found a Sun-Saturn aspect where there is a drug or alcohol problem, and I think it is because drugs or alcohol seem to ease the pain and frustration of Sun-Saturn. Sun-Saturn can be…...
When the Sun is progressed to Mercury, it stimulates the areas that deal with communication, movement and the intellect. When the Sun, your core essence, sidles up to Mercury, the winged messenger of the gods, your very identity is given…...
The term “Grand Cross” in astrology refers to the geometric pattern formed by four planets that are square (90-degree angles) and opposition (180-degree angles) to each other. This pattern creates a giant square shape in the astrological chart. It is…...
Question: Having my Moon in a square to Saturn causes me to have insecurities, childhood failings, and unpleasant cycles that reoccur in my life. I’m not sure what my parents think of me or how they feel about me. They…...
A mutable earthy sign, ruled by Mercury. Ingrid Lind once again asks straight away: How can earth be mutable and mercurial? And the answer yet again is in the other ingredients (though, as she says, this internal conflict does tend…...
I have a friend with Moon in Gemini who once told me that books had been her mother. Her mother had not been very kind or caring of her, and she learned to read at a young age and had…...
Saturn in the 7th house is the archetype of the “gatekeeper” in the house of partnerships. It’s a placement that carries a bit of gravitas. You’ve got a heavy planet, symbol of boundaries and karmic lessons, sitting right in the…...
The various aspect relationships in astrology—conjunction, sextile, trine, square, inconjunct, and opposition—explore similar ideas and themes from different perspectives, ranging from gentle to energetic, to even outright conflict. These aspects denote the angular distances or arcs of separation between planets…....
Transiting Mars meeting up with Pluto is the equivalent of a passionate yet turbulent romance. When Mars, the warrior planet of raw drive and assertiveness, forms an aspect with Pluto, the lord of transformation and buried desires, it’s no surprise…...
When Pluto transits Mercury, it heralds a period marked by intense psychological pressure and a dramatic shift in mental processes. During this transit, you often find yourself overwhelmed by a cascade of thoughts and fears, imagining the worst possible outcomes…...
When Venus progresses to Uranus, it heralds a time of immense emotional evolution and relational upheaval. Your usual patterns of desire and connection undergo a radical shift, as you find yourself drawn towards unconventional forms of intimacy and companionship. Intellectual…...
Question: Is Venus’s position in Scorpio a little too dramatic? The astrological position of Venus in a birth chart plays a pivotal role in shaping what you find aesthetically pleasing and desirable. It extends far beyond physical attraction, touching upon…...