Pluto’s transit the 2nd house often heralds a phase of transformation concerning financial and material security. This planet, associated with deep change and rebirth, can stir fears of financial instability or even catastrophe. The impact of such a transit is…...
The Nostradamus book, interpreted by Liz Greene and Peter Lorie, takes a look at Pluto’s transit through the sign of Capricorn and the possibility of a new world government. “Natal China: Like East Germany, this horoscope has a Sun/Neptune conjunction…
Neptune rules the depths of the subconscious, and the Moon governs the past, innermost feelings and memories, when merged it feels like awakening within a dream, where forgotten scenes from your early years suddenly cascade into your personal life. This…...
Question: When Neptune is in transit, why does it feel like the tide is coming in and washing over me, revealing things I’ve been blind to and drowning me under a tsunami of stuff I can’t handle? Neptune is the…...
Neptune in the 7th House, is where you’re handed a pair of rose-tinted glasses with a side of mystical yearning, and suddenly, you’ve found yourself in a partnership playground that might as well be an emotional hall of mirrors. Everything…...
When Pluto transits the 5th house in astrology, it marks a significant period of transformation in the realm of personal expression, creativity, and even romance. This transit encourages a deep dive into the core of what makes you unique, urging…...
The Cancer North Node, with all its watery, nurturing vibes, is beckoning you towards something richer, something more nourishing. It’s asking for a deeper connection – with yourself, with others, with the world – in a way that brings harmony,…...
What are decantes in astrology? Each 30 degree sign is subdivided into three 10 degree sectors called decans (decantes), each of which is ruled by a different planet. The 36 ten-degree decanates found in ancient Egyptian astrology are the source…...
The illustrious midlife transit represents a time in life where one’s soul takes the scenic route through existential roundabouts, bypassing the exit labeled “Complacency” and veering sharply toward “Self-Discovery.” What a time to be alive—or at least, half-alive, if the sensation…...
Question: Does Mercury become excessively critical and fixated on identifying faults and issues that require resolution when it’s in its own sign of Virgo? When Mercury is in Virgo, it brings a sharp, analytical mind that is intensely focused on…...
Question: Can we get any insight into the dating lives of women whose Sun makes an aspect to Pluto? The Sun and Pluto sit deep within the psyche, radiating with the light of a thousand Suns and the shadowy darkness…...
Question: If Mars is in the 2nd house, I’ve read that I will always have to fight to survive and make money, and that it will be bad for my finances. Is that right? With Mars in your 2nd house,…...