Mundane Astrology

Nostradamus: World Government

The Nostradamus book, interpreted by Liz Greene and Peter Lorie, takes a look at Pluto’s transit through the sign of Capricorn and the possibility of a new world government. “Natal China: Like East Germany, this horoscope has a Sun/Neptune conjunction…

A Saturn Square Uranus War?

I was jotting down notes on Dane Rudhyar’s piece about Uranus when I realised something. I found myself thinking about the war as I was reading it. Vladimir Putin launched the largest war in Europe since World War Two on…...

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Aquarius or Pisces Age?

Which age are we currently in – Aquarius or Pisces? It’s difficult to define those borders of different consciousness. Some astrologers say that our entry into Aquarius may have happened about 200 years ago. Alan Oken in Complete Astrology, which…...

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Peter Lorie and astrologer Liz Greene’s book Nostradamus is a fascinating read because it includes a chapter on the Plan for America as well as unique insights for the current era. However, it is clear across the readings that we…