Is it unlucky to have Venus in Virgo or in the Sixth House? Often the energy can be so beautiful, mostly due to that loving and unwavering attention, plucking away to make things work better. A good motto being that…...
The illustrious midlife transit represents a time in life where one’s soul takes the scenic route through existential roundabouts, bypassing the exit labeled “Complacency” and veering sharply toward “Self-Discovery.” What a time to be alive—or at least, half-alive, if the sensation…...
Question: Can we get any insight into the dating lives of women whose Sun makes an aspect to Pluto? The Sun and Pluto sit deep within the psyche, radiating with the light of a thousand Suns and the shadowy darkness…...
Question: If Mars is in the 2nd house, I’ve read that I will always have to fight to survive and make money, and that it will be bad for my finances. Is that right? With Mars in your 2nd house,…...
Here the individual is confronted with a powerful battle inside himself on the most basic of levels. His karma is to overcome the extreme possessiveness of his past incarnations. Until he deals with this, he has difficulty finding meaning in…...
In the realm of consciousness, this is the hardest Nodal position to deal with. Here, as a result of many lifetimes, the individual starts to realize his own rigidity. He is aware of his patterns and how much they hurt…...
Previous incarnation for this person was spent in considerable luxuries and a routine life. He really resisted any change that would come by his way or alter his lifestyle in that life. During this life, he will be modifying his…...
Question: Is the Moon in Cancer the most insecure place for it, and does the fact that the Moon rules Cancer make this quality even stronger? The Moon, residing comfortably in its own sign of Cancer, can be a bit…...
“You have a lot of vitality to put into your emotions, and you exude a vibe that is primarily empathetic, delicate, and emotive. It is usually directed toward protecting yourself, showing loyalty, and domestic activities. You have strong caring abilities,…...
You have high practical energies, adequate-to-high mental energies, adequate physical energies, and low emotional energies. Your energy is service-oriented, disciplined and efficient. It is often channeled into reasoning, finding flaws, and helping others. Your strengths include self-discipline, technical aptitudes, and…...
Is it true to say that having Neptune in the 4th house might shed light on secrets like adoption or paternity? Personal accounts from persons with Neptune in this position usually amaze me with their “strange” quality. What do you all…...
Venus rules the principle of love and reaching out to others. Venus in Aries indicates those who tend to be aggressive in their emotional self-expression. Their outgoing natures lend enthusiasm and sparkle to social gatherings. They have no reticence in…...