Month: December 2010

Scorpio Rising: A Burning Aura

The ascendant, often referred to as the rising sign, serves as the initial point in an astrological birth chart and holds great significance in understanding your outward persona. In the natal chart, it plays a pivotal role, acting as a…

Sagittarius Rising

Sagittarius rising is the adventurer, and to be born under this sign is to enter into the world as if life itself were an epic road trip—no fixed destination, just an insatiable hunger for experience, knowledge, and a few unexpected…

Aquarius Rising

As an Aquarius Rising, you have eccentric brilliance and unwavering idealism! The lens you see the world through is tinted with progressive vision, allowing you to perceive not the world as it is, but as it could be—fairer, freer, and…

Venus in the 10th House

With Venus in the 10th house, it is a placement that seduces you towards a life where ambition and artistry entwine. This is not the path of those who grind themselves into dust in service of soulless toil. Yours is…

Moon in the 9th House

The Moon in the 9th house belongs to those whose emotions are stirred by the vast and the infinite, those whose souls are restless until they have pieced together a philosophy big enough to contain the mystery of their own…

Moon in the 4th House

With the Moon in the 4th house, the home is a feeling, a refuge, an emotional anchor in a chaotic world. There’s a deep, almost primal yearning for stability and comfort here, for a sense of belonging that only the…