The Galactic Dimension of Astrology delves into the profound aspects of human consciousness and its connection to the celestial bodies beyond the traditional planets. In this intriguing exploration, the planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are viewed as gateways to higher…...
“Relationships, Astrology, and Karma” stands out as a remarkable book in the realm of synastry literature. Its unique approach to connection analysis and interpretation sets it apart from other synastry readings, bringing it up to a higher quality level. It…...
I know it’s not a ball gazer’s notebook, and Secrets From a Stargazer’s Notebook starts off with what house system to use and quickly runs into witty commentary about termites and what the old aunty boring astrology magazine would tell…...
Born under the Capricorn zodiac sign, individuals embark on a profound psychological journey of transformation when confronted with life’s harsh realities. This awakening brings forth a valuable lesson: the fruits of labor and self-reliance are the keys to success. Capricorns…...
And in the beginning, there was Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, heralding the onset of a new astrological year and embodying the spirit of beginnings, rebirth, and raw potential. Governed by Mars, the planet of war and energy,…...
The water signs care too much about others – they’ve always cared too hard. Things have always hit them very hard. Water dredges up the past with its scars and emotional bruising, and a lot of things hurt them deeply…...
When Mercury finds itself entangled with Saturn, you’re pushing forward, word by word, sentence by sentence, with a sense of deliberation that others might find ponderous or overly analytic. But within this labor lies a certain kind of magic—a patient…...
Question: Are Uranus people weird, unpredictable, and unorthodox? The archetype of a Uranus personality is characterized by a need to break away from conventional norms and express individuality in the most surprising and often shocking ways. Standing at the edge…...
Jung’s Typology and the astrological four elements, as seen through the lens of both analytical psychology and astrology, offers a fascinating intersection of personality theory and ancient wisdom. The work of Carl Jung, particularly his concepts of psychological types, has…...
It’s through Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius where life flows wildly and continuously. The element of fire always seems like it’s the most fun. It is eager, hot, enthusiastic, dynamic, dramatic, refusing to be contained by anything outside its own desire…...
Under Neptune's mysterious commands the eyes fix on vacancy, the limbs feel heavy, the sounds of the world melt away into a confused reality, and the attention span is unfocused.
In an astrological book buying spree with £100, I set out on a quest to update an old astrology library and delve deeper into the kaleidoscope richness and complexity of the soul. Astrology might not fully encompass the intricacies of…...