Al Adamson, an American filmmaker and actor, earned recognition as a prolific director specializing in B-grade horror and exploitation films during the 1960s and 1970s. His journey in the film industry began at a young age, and by the early…...
Michelle Bica, an unbalanced woman, murdered a neighbor to take her baby and declare it as her own. Michelle had reportedly had a miscarriage several years earlier and desperately wanted a baby. Theresa and Jonathan Andrews were happily expecting their…...
The eerie occurrences at Laura Prepon’s new English manor have left her both intrigued and unsettled. Despite her fame and success as an actress, the unexplainable happenings in her new home reminded her that even celebrities are not immune to…...
You is an American psychological thriller television based on the novel by Caroline Kepnes. The series follows Joe Goldberg, a New York bookstore manager and serial killer who falls in love with a customer named Guinevere Beck and quickly develops…...
Natascha Kampusch vanished on her way to school in Vienna in 1998 when she was ten. Wolfgang Priklopil carved a secret, sound-proof cellar beneath his home in a suburb of the city in which to keep her captive for eight years…....
The incident sparked a nationwide debate on crime in major cities, the legal limits of self-defense, and the extent to which the citizenry could rely on the police to secure their safety. Goetz, dubbed the “Subway Vigilante” by the New…...
Question: What natal configurations or aspects are responsible for extreme laziness? A person is considered lazy if they avoid doing what they know they should do but are unwilling to do due to the perceived difficulty of the task. Instead,…...
Jonathan Schmitz was 24 when he was invited to Chicago on March 6, 1995, to participate in the taping of an episode of the nationally syndicated “Jenny Jones” show that revolved around secret crushes. During the segment, which ultimately never…...
Mathilde was supposed to attend a gala evening at the theatre that night. The archduchess had put on a gauze dress to go to the theatre. Before leaving for the theatre, she wanted to smoke a cigarette but shortly thereafter…...
Malcolm James McCormick, known professionally as Mac Miller, was an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Miller struggled with substance abuse, which was often referenced in his lyrics. He died from an accidental drug overdose at his…...
The star of this documentary is a handsome, good-natured guy called Nev Schulman: a New York-based photographer and documentarist, specializing in filming dance theatre; in late 2008, he was sharing office space with his brother Ariel and Henry Joost, who…...
This Netflix film describes how Bobby Shafran discovered that he had a twin brother, when he arrived on the campus of a New York community college and was greeted by students who incorrectly recognized him as Eddie Galland. The two…...