The Astrology of Cats and One Dog

The Aries cat, with its energetic and curious nature, embodies the essence of the zodiac sign. It thrives on exploration and adventure, eagerly pouncing on anything new and untried. This characteristic mirrors the Arian’ personality, as they too have an innate desire to venture into the unknown and take on new challenges. In Isabel Hickey’s … Read moreThe Astrology of Cats and One Dog

Pin-up Girls of the Zodiac

Whilst on Pinterest I found some interesting and colourful toons of lovely glamour ladies. As I was looking at the pictures, the zodiac signs began forming in my mind. Therefore, you have 12 Calender girls for every month. Transiting Venus is conjunct my Mars right now, and so it has been decided that it is … Read morePin-up Girls of the Zodiac

Vintage Astrology

Mars, the planet of war and conflict, rules Aries. This should serve as a warning that this is not the type of person to provoke, as they will respond swiftly each time they are wronged. An Arian is a passionate, self-centered, and often brash individual. According to Charles Carter, people of this personality type don’t … Read moreVintage Astrology

Paws and Planets: Understanding Your Cat’s Cosmic Personality – Part 1

This guide on the zodiac signs of cats can help you better understand your feline friend on a cosmic level. ARIES The majestic Arian cat proudly holds the title of the zodiac’s forerunner and leader, symbolizing the sign of Aries, a cardinal fire sign that embodies the positive energy of Mars and the exaltation of … Read morePaws and Planets: Understanding Your Cat’s Cosmic Personality – Part 1

Leo’s Nightmares

Leo, characterized by its fiery and majestic nature, thrives on grandiosity and despises the confines of small, frugal, and mundane circumstances. The mundane aspects of daily existence, the repetitiveness of routines, and the limitations of structure appear to suppress the adventurous nature of a Leo. In the eyes of a Leo, life ought to be...

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In Leo, then, articulate and conscious life commences; here, it may be said, man leaps upon the stage of action. What before the unconscious becomes conscious. It is this inclusion of divine fire, of life, which constitutes the “I-ness” of the individual, which enables him to act as from his own centre, which centre, while...

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Categories Leo

What the Zodiac Signs are Saying…

What the zodiac signs are saying this week… Aries “The inner fire is the most important thing mankind possesses.” ― Edith Södergran   Taurus “A man that knows your worth doesn’t need to be told how to treat you. That’s a given! You won’t have to question his feelings, his motives, nor his intentions. How … Read moreWhat the Zodiac Signs are Saying…

Leo the Lion

Leo’s task is to enhance creativity and to strive towards the greatest possible degree of self-expression. The need to partake in the process of life is powerful, and must be enacted out in some way. Under this sign, we see the truly great leaders and rulers with the power to vitalize and inspire others. It … Read moreLeo the Lion

Categories Leo

Urban Astrology Signs

I found that the Urban Dictionary’s entries for the twelve astrological signs varied from humorous to informative to cool to insane to enlightening. It’s fun, from beginning to end. What follows is a list of my top picks: Aries Someone born relatively between March 22 and April 20. Identifying an Aries: when they raise their … Read moreUrban Astrology Signs

The Sun, Leo & the Fire Signs: A Centered Spiritualty

The astrological sign of Leo, governed by the majestic Sun, symbolizes self-expression and individuality within the zodiac. Much like the Sun’s central role in our solar system, individuals born under this sign often see themselves at the core of their universe, exuding confidence, creativity, and warmth. Their magnetic aura draws others close, similar to moths … Read moreThe Sun, Leo & the Fire Signs: A Centered Spiritualty

The Aniti-Flirt Club: Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio Part 2

Leo The Leo flirts via their self-expression; they are passionate and lively lovers who dazzle others with their ability to shine brightly like the Sun. Additionally, a magnificent attraction and charisma show through, and they are unashamed of their cheerful disposition. They may be required to be the centre of attention at times, and they … Read moreThe Aniti-Flirt Club: Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio Part 2