Pluto in Houses

Pluto in the 6th House: Health Enthusiast Diagnosed with Terminal Illness

The astrological placement of Pluto in the 6th house, which governs health, work, and daily routines, can suggest emotional and transformative experiences related to these areas. It might express itself as intense emotional responses to everyday events, a deep interest…...

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Plumbing the Depths: 10 Keys to Understanding Pluto’s Impact in the 3rd House

1. Intense and honest Conversations: With Pluto influencing the 3rd house, the realm of communication takes on a transformative and alchemical quality, where words carry the weight of profound revelations that can span a lifetime. Conversations become more than just…...

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Pluto in the 1st House: Past Life Baggage?

Question: Pluto in the 1st house of a horoscope suggests being extra cautious with one’s inner development if such growth is to remain hidden from the outside world. I’ve known for a while that people’s deep emotional and, frequently, nasty…...

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Watery Planets in the 4th House: Things Happen in Your Water Area That Seem to Animate This Thing Called Soul

Individuals with 4th house placements involving the Moon, Neptune and Pluto are naturally drawn to delve into their own feelings and subconscious motivations, seeking to understand the hidden forces that shape their lives. It’s as if something inside is saying,…...

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Pluto 9th House: Under Its Spell the Individual Will Live a Life Full Of Fear, Hesitant to Reap the Real Joys of Love, Charity, and Fellowship

Question: When it comes to Pluto placement, what is the most difficult to get right? On a purely psychological level, I believe Pluto in the 9th house is the most difficult to cope with since this is the house in…...

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Pluto in the 12th House Quotes

A friend who had nighttime wartime experiences as a soldier once said simply, “Some things can never be forgiven.” The look in his eyes brooked no debate. That wasn’t because of hostility or defensiveness on his part; that was because…...

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