
Progressed Moon Aspects Natal Sun: You Plant the Seeds for an Entirely New Way of Reacting to Life’s Challenges and Opportunities

Question: What occurs when the progressed Moon aspects my natal Sun in a tough aspect? Will I experience a profound inner conflict with the two fundamental modes of my life? If so, how can I overcome this issue, and what…...

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Progressed Moon in Pisces: Yugen

The Progressed Moon in Pisces helps you transport your feelings to reach for higher ideals. Currently, you feel vulnerable to anything that comes into contact with you, as your sensitivity to others and your environment is at an all-time high…....

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Progressed Moon Conjunct Pluto: You Feel Trapped and Bound to an Emotional Situation or Pattern of Response Which Feels ‘Fated’

Question: Could you possibly shed some light on the potential themes or troubles that could come up while the progressed Moon is in conjunction with natal Pluto? I’ve read some scary things so far, such as how it may cause…...

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What Transits or Progressions Are the Best Indicators for Finding Love?

Question: What transits or progressions are the best indicators for finding love? Well, as there are a fair few symbols in astrology for the spark of love and romance and a long-term relationship forming – like the 5th and 7th…...

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Progressed Aspects: The Orbs

Question: When things get “serious,” that is, when an event or timeframe occurs that is very suggestive of the progression taking place at that moment, what orb have you found to be valid? Most astrologers agree that a progression’s peak…...

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Mars-Uranus Progressed Aspects: Free to Be

When Mars progresses to Uranus in your astrological chart, a major shift in your energy and approach to life occurs. This progression signifies a powerful urge for independent action in your life, compelling you to break free from constraints that…...

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Progressed Sun into a New Zodiacal Sign: It Is a Big Psychological Event

In astrology, “secondary progressions” or simply “progressions” is used to interpret the potential developments and changes in a person’s life. This method involves a technique where each day after birth is equated to one year of life. This means the…...

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Venus-Pluto Progressed Aspects: Few Other Forces Are More Destructive Than Unresolved Issues to a Relationship

When Venus progresses to Pluto, you’re inviting in love and affection, but you’re also opening the door to your innermost shadows, the tangled roots of your past, and the deep, murky waters of vulnerability. Venus and Pluto together demand that…...

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