Sun-Neptune Aspects

Sun-Neptune Aspects: A Life of Fantasy?

When the Sun aspects Neptune in an astrological chart, it often appears prominently in the charts of individuals who sense a profound connection to a broader, transcendent vision beyond everyday life. Such individuals are often driven by dreams and visions…...

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Sun-Neptune Aspect, Natal and Transit: Mastering the Art of Dealing With Neptune in Your Life, or Succumbing to Its Fatal Attractions

Since the Sun represents a “male principle,” this transit (Neptune aspecting Sun) is sometimes felt in regard to men, as explained by Howard Sasportas in his book The Gods of Change. Sometimes men in power expect us to make sacrifices…...

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Parental Themes Draw People Together (Sun-Neptune Example)

In psychological astrology, the natal chart is seen as a symbolic representation of an individual’s psyche and personality traits. The positions and aspects of celestial bodies like the Sun and Moon are believed to hold significant information about a person’s…...

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Sun-Neptune: Who Do You Think You Are?

Explore this interpretation of Single White Female interpretation below. Jennifer Jason Leigh’s natal chart features the Sun square Neptune aspect, making her an ideal fit for the role. However, I found myself perplexed while watching the movie “Single White Female”…...

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Sun-Neptune Man: The Good Liar

Question: My male partner has the Sun square Neptune aspect and he misleads, deceives and lies through his teeth. Any advice? The sad truth is that this aspect does have an inclination to deceitfulness and dishonesty. Dealing with the lies–from…...

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Sun-Neptune: Dad and Me

Question: If someone has a Sun-Neptune aspect in their astrological chart, what might their father be like? The “nebulous Neptune” in connection with the father suggests a vague and ethereal quality to his character. Neptune, being a distant and elusive…...

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