Sun-Saturn Aspects

Sun-Saturn Quotes: Take Risks in Order to Realize Most Deeply What You’re Capable of Doing or Expressing

Those with these contacts tend to cultivate a realistic (or overly realistic) view of the world. They take themselves and life seriously, do not trust easily and may set up strong defences. A lack of confidence in early life may…...

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Sun-Saturn: Note to Self

   Sun-Saturn on the birth chart is one of the most powerful symbols of your isolation and alienation in the form of matter. It can feel like there’s nobody to turn towards, no comfort, no friendly faces of acceptance. No…...

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Sun-Saturn: The Basics

QUESTION: I would say that the Sun-Saturn person feels as though she is being blocked and frustrated. I can see the maturity level needed for this aspect, which can build into a stable personality. Ideas/thoughts? During earlier life the seriousness…...

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Sun-Saturn: The Three D’s: Dark, Down, and Disappointed

The Sun-Saturn personality archetype is often perceived as struggling with a sense of duty and responsibility that can feel overwhelming. For those who resonate with this, life can seem like a relentless battle against inefficiency and ineffectiveness, leading to frequent…...

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Sun-Saturn: The Limits of a Mortal Life

The life themes for Sun-Saturn often revolve around key issues to do with human failure and imperfection. Life certainly feels its limits, its full capacity tested and the world is experienced as laborious and painful. Saturn rules all that is solid,…...

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