Any planet in the 1st house is in the spotlight. It shines forth into the world vividly in your social behavior, and it plays a big role in your inner life too. Having Venus strongly placed in the chart is…...
You simply shine. You seem bigger than life. You may not be flamboyant or extraverted, but there is a certain subtle magnetism that radiates from you. And it is infectious. You walk into the room, and everyone feels a little…...
Question: With Venus in the 4th house natally and with some nice aspects, I feel it is particularly well placed. Recently I bought some beautiful silk flowers that are exquisite in color and beauty, which have added to the overall…...
Venus in the 7th house is traditionally one of the best placements for Venus. It is in the house that it naturally rules, and is therefore exceedingly strong. It helps to enhance the positive vibration of the planet. It strengthens…...
1. With Venus in the 3rd house, you like sonnets, poems, love letters, writings full of lust, provocation, and vulnerability–written only for a lover’s eyes. The more beautifully something is said – the better. Words evoke feelings, soft, delicate sentiments…....
Question: If I could choose to have Venus in one of 12 houses, I would like to have Venus in the 5th house. Venus in this position gives many opportunities for relations with the other sex and, most of all,…...
Question: Is it true that if Venus in the 2nd house doesn’t have resources of their own, they will use someone else’s? When we think of this image we tend to picture the “gold digger” in pursuit of a rich…...
Question: I have read and also I have been told that this position shows loving somebody from another country. Is it true? This position of Venus seems to add more joy, excitement, and mystery to falling in love; it makes…...
The 1st house in astrology, often referred to as the “Ascendant” or “Rising Sign,” holds significant importance as it represents the way we project ourselves to the world and how others perceive us. It serves as a window through which…...
Question: Does Venus in the 12th house suggest a secret romance? The symbolism is there, and this position is a breeding ground for affairs, thus it may signify a “hidden love.” Much of the love nature is mysterious and there is…...
With Venus in the 5th house, you are concerned with self-expression and creativity. Due to the Venusian energy in this sphere, you can express what is special and unique about you in the loveliest of ways. Romantic love is, of…
With Venus in the 8th house, you’re living with a sultry secret lodged deep within your soul that only the brave or the foolhardy would dare to unravel. Venus the goddess of love and beauty, has set up camp in…