The Astrology of Cheating

In delving into the intriguing realm of astrological analysis concerning cheaters, a focused examination of the cheating lover’s horoscope unveils a puzzling correlation between deceitfulness and specific aspects of astrological transits. Regrettably, the study lacks insights into the experiences of the betrayed partners, yet it uncovers fascinating nuances within the cheaters’ astrological charts. A noteworthy observation emerges, indicating that individuals prone to infidelity tend to exhibit transiting Neptune square the Sun and/or Mars during the time of their indiscretions. Astrologically speaking, this alignment suggests a profound sense of disenchantment (Neptune) that permeates the cheater’s psyche, particularly in relation to their life and marriage. The astrologer may argue that these extramarital affairs are perceived as justified by the adulterer, driven by a pervasive disillusionment with their current circumstances.

The symbolism of Neptune in astrology adds depth to this analysis. Often depicted as a shadowy fantasist, Neptune is characterized as a celestial force that may not always embody the highest moral or consistent principles. This elusive planet is susceptible to the sway of temptation, acting as a catalyst for individuals to succumb to desires that deviate from societal norms. It weaves a complex narrative of internal conflict within the cheater, portraying them as individuals grappling with an internal struggle between the idealized fantasies and the reality of their commitments.

From a psychological perspective, the astrologer posits that these individuals may seek solace in extramarital affairs as a coping mechanism, using the allure of Neptune’s illusions to temporarily escape the challenges and dissatisfactions of their everyday life. The notion of disenchantment implies a profound emotional disconnection, where the cheater may rationalize their actions as a pursuit of a more fulfilling, albeit illusory, existence.

The interplay between personal dishonesty, slippery behavior, and the nebulous influence of Neptune within an individual’s astrological chart paints a vivid picture of the internal conflicts that may arise. When a person lacks secure boundaries, allowing for a more fluid and elusive demeanor, the guilt associated with deceptive actions can be amplified, particularly during Neptune transits. Neptune tends to make its presence known precisely when boundaries are on the verge of being breached. Its influence can manifest as a disruptive force that clouds judgment and introduces a sense of ambiguity. Under the sway of a Neptune transit, individuals may grapple with overwhelming emotions, such as loss, desire, and the pursuit of seemingly unattainable goals. This cosmic alignment creates an atmosphere where reality becomes malleable, and the boundaries between what is permissible and what is not may blur.

The sense of guilt that accompanies Neptune’s influence can be profound, stemming from the awareness that one is navigating a morally ambiguous space. In an attempt to cope with this guilt and the impossibility of achieving certain ideals, individuals may seek solace in the arms of a “redeemer.” This “redeemer” could be a romantic partner or someone who, in their perception, has the potential to fulfill their unmet needs and become a source of salvation from the complexities of reality. The act of seeking refuge in a partner during a Neptune transit reflects a desire for an escape from the challenges of the tangible world. The individual may project their fantasies and unfulfilled needs onto the chosen partner, hoping that this person will serve as a conduit for the realization of their dreams. The allure of a redeemer lies in the promise of emotional and spiritual fulfillment, providing a temporary sanctuary from the guilt and disillusionment associated with their own actions.

The Guilty Ones

Clark Gable

During the production of “The Call of the Wild” in 1935, Clark Gable engaged in an on-set affair with Loretta Young. This liaison resulted in Young conceiving a child, a fact carefully concealed from the public eye. At the time, Pluto was concluding its opposition to Venus, coinciding with Neptune’s conjunction with Mars in Gable’s astrological chart. Throughout the affair, Loretta experienced the influence of transiting Neptune forming a trine aspect with both the Sun and the Moon.

Humphrey Bogart

Humphrey Bogart found himself entangled in an extramarital affair with the 19-year-old Lauren Bacall while still married to his 45-year-old wife, Kim Novak. Bogart faced a dilemma as his affections shifted towards the younger Bacall, prompting him to make a choice between his existing marriage and this newfound love. Eventually, he decided to end his marriage with Novak and pursue a relationship with Bacall.

In Bogart’s astrological context, transiting Neptune was in a square aspect with both the Sun and Mars. This astrological alignment suggests a period of confusion and potential illusions in matters of identity and desire. On the other hand, Bacall, seemingly unaware of the complexities, did not experience any Neptune transits. However, transiting Saturn was crossing her Sun, a traditional indication of attraction to an older partner. In astrology, Saturn is associated with maturity and wisdom, and when it transits a person’s Sun, it often signifies a time to commit and make lasting promises.

Ingrid Bergman

The affair between Ingrid Bergman and Roberto Rossellini marked one of the most scandalous episodes of its time, leading to Bergman’s pregnancy and subsequent exile from the United States. During this tumultuous period, Ingrid’s Sun and Venus were both under the influence of Saturn’s transits, intensifying the challenges within her relationships. The weight of scrutiny and personal hostility from others added to her difficulties. The inception of her affair with the Italian director coincided with transiting Uranus conjuncting Mars, evoking restlessness and a desire for adventure.

In Bergman’s astrological dynamics, the square aspect between transiting Neptune and her natal Mars hinted at potential sexual deceit and illusions. Meanwhile, in Rossellini’s chart, Neptune formed a trine with Venus and Mars, while transiting Saturn squared Venus, contributing to feelings of humiliation and betrayal. Rossellini grappled with emotionally taxing situations as transiting Pluto squared his Sun and Moon, further complicating his personal affairs.


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