Pluto Transit Conjunct Moon: Emotional Purge or Psychological Wrecking Ball?

The ominous yet transformative Pluto-Moon conjunction transit is a time of an an emotional detox. This is no ordinary lunar event. Pluto is the great transformer, the psychological planet, the bringer of emotional alchemy. When it locks into a conjunction…...

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Venus-Saturn: Hard to Get or Hard to Love?

When you have a Venus-Saturn aspect, it’s where beauty meets boundaries, where self-worth is measured against an invisible (yet ever-present) yardstick of “deservingness.” Venus, the goddess of love and pleasure, seeks admiration and enjoys life’s pleasures, while Saturn reacts with…...

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Pluto Transits Venus: When Rejection Feels Like the End of the World

The Venus-Pluto archetype is an intoxicating aspect of love, obsession, and power dynamics! A person with this natal placement is practically trying to merge souls, consume, and be consumed. It’s love with a capital L, the kind that psychologists write…...

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The Storm is Calling, Taurus—Will You Answer?

Taurus is the steadfast bovine of the zodiac, strolling through the fields of life with a slow, deliberate pace—pausing only to graze upon the finer things. A Taurean doesn’t see the material world as some ominous, horned beast to be…...

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