Showing: 1 - 12 of 32 Articles
Jupiter in Houses

Jupiter in the 6th House Quotes: People With This Placement Are Usually Lucky Finding Work

Here, the Jupiter keyword, “Expansion,” can have physical effects. Depending on the sign, weight gain (and a difficulty in subsequently losing it) can often cause problems, not simply because the subject enjoys food a little...

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Jupiter in Houses

Jupiter in the 2nd House Quotes: She Feels Good About Herself and Expects to Receive Her Due

A simple reading of Jupiter in the traditional house of money suggests prosperity. Often that’s an accurate prediction, provided we’re careful not to go over the top with the idea. It doesn’t guarantee a Lifestyle...

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Jupiter in Houses

Jupiter in the 3rd House Quotes: You Are Probably Cuter and Funnier Than You Know

You apply your faith to, or look for it in, your everyday interactions with others. You are the type who brings philosophical concepts into the most ordinary spheres of everyday thought. Sometimes such high-flown ideas...

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