Chiron: Unfathomable Painful Events

Chiron, a celestial body that holds both comet and asteroid characteristics, is often seen as a unique and enigmatic force in astrology. Its influence is likened to that of the outer planets in our solar system, such as Uranus, Neptune,…...

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Transiting Uranus Opposite Uranus: This Transit May Start Off Like a Gentle Breeze

The illustrious midlife transit represents a time in life where one’s soul takes the scenic route through existential roundabouts, bypassing the exit labeled “Complacency” and veering sharply toward “Self-Discovery.” What a time to be alive—or at least, half-alive, if the sensation…...

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The First Saturn Return: A Mental Breakdown

The Saturn Return, when it occurs, holds significant implications for personal development and self-discovery, often bearing substantial weight. As the planet Saturn completes its orbit around the Sun and returns to the same position it occupied at an individual’s birth,…...

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Soulmate Connections: Uniting Through Same Natal Aspects in Relationships

Dating someone with some of the same astrological aspects as you can indeed have its joys and challenges. On one hand, sharing similar planetary aspects can create a sense of familiarity and understanding between partners. It may feel like looking…...

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What Is the Worst Thing That Can Happen to Leo?

Some may argue that ignoring a Leo is worse than any other form of abuse because of the common belief that they need attention all the time. The more insecure Leo, the one who does not really believe in themselves,…...

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Fixed Signs: End of Discussion

Question: I read somewhere that fixed signs know themselves and what they want from life better than other signs. One thing I’d say is both good and bad about fixed signs is that they want to be right about a…...

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Gemini Midheaven: The Flight of the Butterfly

Having your midheaven in the sign of Gemini holds profound implications for your career journey and public persona. In astrology, the midheaven, or MC, serves as a compass guiding you towards your public identity, vocational aspirations, and the image you…...

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