Justin American author Samuel Halpern created the virally popular Twitter feed and book titled “Shit My Dad Says.” Halpern’s father, is a retired nuclear medicine specialist who worked at UC San Diego. From an early age on, this man imparted…...
An engaging review of Under One Sky, an astrology book, can be found in Astrology Considerations, a free magazine. Several prominent astrologers are featured, and the book aims to “See how the same natal chart is interpreted blind by twelve…...
The Jazz pianist, David Azarian, was described as having a cheerful undertone amidst all of the introspection. He started attending music college at the age of seven, where he learned classical piano, but his interest soon veered towards jazz music…....
Question: Do astrological charts have any value for analysing psychiatric disorders? It is quite improbable that a person’s astrological chart will reveal any symptoms of mental illness. Although a person’s horoscope can shed light on certain challenges, it cannot indicate every…
This astrology study explores the correlation between astrological configurations and the manifestation of extraordinary mental abilities, particularly those related to photographic memories or eidetic imagery, and other exceptional capabilities. Individuals with these rare gifts often exhibit an astounding ability to…