Question: What would you say about planets in the 8th house? The 8th house—what a mystical cauldron of power, transformation, and, let’s be honest, a sprinkle of chaos. It’s the house that rules over all those things we secretly dread…...
Question: My Pluto aspects with my husband’s Moon exactly, it’s a fascinating astrological conjunction that may explain our swift transition from a single date to engagement. He seems to bring out an almost subconscious longing. As a teenager, I would…...
In astrology, “secondary progressions” or simply “progressions” is used to interpret the potential developments and changes in a person’s life. This method involves a technique where each day after birth is equated to one year of life. This means the…...
When Venus progresses to Pluto, you’re inviting in love and affection, but you’re also opening the door to your innermost shadows, the tangled roots of your past, and the deep, murky waters of vulnerability. Venus and Pluto together demand that…...
When Mercury progresses to Uranus, it’s deliciously unpredictable phase. This progression is akin to being zapped by a lightning bolt, sending your neurons into a dance of their own. Your mind becomes a fertile playground for eccentric ideas, sudden insights,…...
This placement affects two areas of life in particular – work and health. Because Neptune dissolves boundaries, and the boundary between what is inside and what is outside us becomes more permeable. If we observe the body closely, we will…...
Everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell has an intuitive dimension. In fact, all your sensory receptors work at multiple levels. They pick up both tangible and ethereal levels simultaneously. So the most basic ways you experience anything blend…...
Question: Does a transit from Saturn to Venus indicate that a relationship will separate? When Saturn, the wise one of the zodiac, sidles up to Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and sweet indulgence, what does he whisper? “Time for…...
With Neptune in the fourth house, any “nest” you make needs to be Neptunian. In a nutshell, that means dreamy. There are homes you walk into and immediately feel calmer and more open emotionally and psychically. Achieving that “look” is…...
Plutonian topics are by definition, nervous subjects we talk about carefully, if at all: sex, disease, death, money, aging. In social relations, we approach them with great diplomacy and almost Oriental indirectness-or with the marvelous, buffering illusions of emotional honesty…...
Ostensibly we all choose our friends- unlike family, those are voluntary relationships. But friendship, like deeper forms of intimacy, is partly karmic too. We have evolutionary business with people who seem to be inexplicable “choices.” With Pluto in the seventh…...
Pluto is harbinger of transformation, lurking like a shadow in the astrological depths. Pluto doesn’t just knock on the door of your psyche; it rips it off its hinges, exposing everything you’ve tried so hard to tuck away neatly. A…...