Solar and Full Moon Membership Articles

Venus in Sagittarius: The Map of a Heart

When Venus is in Sagittarius, some past-life astrologers suggest that in a previous existence, you may have experienced possessive and jealous relationships, which now drive you to seek freedom. Whether these insights hold any truth remains unknown. Apparently, you’ve been…...

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Cancer: The Dark Side of the Moon

As a Cancer, you are often regarded as the lunar child, as you are naturally drawn towards your planetary ruler, the Moon. Just like the tides ebb and flow under it’s gravitational pull, so do your emotions and those of…...

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Venus-Saturn Aspects: Stone Cold Love

For those with Saturn-Venus aspects, their love story isn’t one of whirlwind romance but of slow, deliberate removing of illusions, unearthing the truth, and shaping something enduring out of their passions. Love here is built over time. The “honeymoon phase”…...

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The Moon: Old Haunts

The Moon is a mirror hung in the night’s abyss, forever tugging at the tides and our fragile human hearts. It’s a luminous symbol of reflection, of the things we can’t seem to leave behind, no matter how much we…...

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Mercury: Synchronicity

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious describes the feeling one gets upon seeing the perfect confluence of circumstances that leads to the sudden realization that something bigger is at play. Being the god of our “little environment,” establishing connections between the people, places, and things…...

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Sun – Pluto Invisibility

Question: I have Sun in square to Pluto natally. Why do I suffer from this feeling of being invisible and feel like hell most of the time? Having the Sun square Pluto in your natal chart is akin to living…...

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How Shocking are Uranus Transits?

Uranus is the great prankster, the revolutionary, the universal electric jolt to our neatly arranged expectations! A Uranus transit is life shouting, “SURPRISE!” and then flipping the table. You’re cruising along thinking you’ve got it all figured out, and suddenly—BAM!…...

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Sun in Aries: The Power of One

The Sun in Aries is the spark igniting the divine sense of selfhood! The universe has struck a match against the flint of existence, setting the soul ablaze with an uncontainable desire to be. Aries, ruled by the unrepentant warrior,…...

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Uranus – Venus Transit: She’s Awakening

When transiting Uranus makes a wild and electric connection to natal Venus, there’s a tectonic shift in the way you approach love, beauty, and what you thought you valued. Romantically, this transit can feel like suddenly realizing you’re in love…...

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pisces astrology

Pisces Escape: It’s Good for the Soul

Pisces is the dreamer, the  wanderer, the soul adrift in a sea of mysticism and melancholy. Pisceans exist in a kind of limbo, straddling the solid earth of mundane existence and the swirling, iridescent mist of the divine. They’ve been…...

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Saturn: The Border of the Personality

Saturn is the great regulator of existence, ensuring that we don’t go gallivanting off into realms of possibility until we’ve earned the right, until we’ve demonstrated the necessary patience, self-sufficiency, and—most maddeningly—humility. What’s beautiful about Saturn, though, is that it…...

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