The 4th House is Family Ties The 12th house is Ancestral Ties The 4th house rules our immediate family and the 12th house goes a lot further back in history. Just by looking at these pictures it really makes…
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Moon Conjunct Pluto Synastry
Venus-Pluto Synastry: A Love So Powerful That It Might Just Kill Them
Mars-Pluto Synastry: Something Quite Dark and Dangerous
Uranus Transits the 4th House: The Chaotic Path to Personal Inner Growth
Shine, Baby, Shine: The Sun’s Role in Your Astrological Destiny
Sun Square Pluto Synastry: You’ve Got That Power Over Me
Venus-Pluto: The Magnificent Obsession
Neptune in the 4th House
Pluto Opposite Midheaven Natal
Venus Trine Pluto: Dark Desires
Mars Conjunct Pluto Synastry
Composite Moon in 8th House
The Yod Aspect Pattern: The Mystical Power of the “Finger of Fate”
Sun-Pluto in Synastry
Mars in Aquarius: Sex drive
Moon Trine Pluto: Dancing with Shadows
Moon-Pluto Aspects in the Horoscope
Sun Trine Pluto Natal Aspect: The Quiet Powerhouse
Mars Square Pluto Natal Aspect: The Unbreakable Spirit
Moon Conjunct Uranus Natal Aspect