Have You Ever Dated A Scorpio?

Question: Have you ever dated a Scorpio? How important was sex in the relationship? 

Yes I have dated a Scorpio—he emerged from the depths of the emotional underworld like some leather-clad sorcerer, dripping with a mystique I couldn’t quite shake. He had a PhD in brooding and a side hustle in telepathic mind games. You know, when you’re dating a Scorpion you never quite know whether your dating a human being or a sentient storm cloud. He usually wore his black coat with the collar turned up, and it seduced in all the right ways. It’s as if he was a half-vampire, half-poet—leaning against the existential bar, ordering something “on the rocks” in a way that makes you question your entire belief system. And, of course, those eyes. Eyes that could melt steel or ignite a political revolution, depending on their mood that day. It’s not even fair, is it? As for sex in a relationship with a Scorpio? Well, sex with a Scorpio isn’t just important—it’s central. It’s like their native tongue, their love language, their battleground, and their peace treaty all rolled into one. The way they approach intimacy is not just physical but psychological. There’s always this sense that you’re not just having a physical connection, you’re merging souls, dipping toes into the abyss of each other’s psyches. And it’s glorious and terrifying at the same time. Like diving into the deep end of a pool filled with jet-black ink and thinking, “Am I about to drown or become one with the void?” Who knows? But my god, you dive anyway!

But the frustration— the maddening dance of desire and retreat, intimacy followed by a cold retreat into their cave, like some emotional hokey-cokey. They draw you in with such intensity that you think, “This is it, I’ve found my twin flame, my soulmate, my partner in crime.” And then, just as you get comfortable, they’re gone—disappeared into some internal landscape of shadows and secrets, leaving you to ponder what on Earth just happened. Like dating a Scorpio is not dissimilar to owning a cat that wanders off for days. You wonder, “Do they love me? Are they hunting something I don’t understand? Will they ever come back?” The answer is yes, but only after they’ve had time to explore the underworld of their own mind.

The Scorpio both ravenously craves intimacy and, at the same time, stands at the edge of it like a cat eyeing water, suspicious of the very thing they desire most. Scorpios carry this emotional weight, a magnetic pull, as if the stars gave them an extra dollop of soul-stirring complexity just for fun. And honestly, the intensity is thrilling… until it’s terrifying. There’s something about the way they approach relationships that makes you feel like you’re dancing on the edge of a cliff in high heels—exhilarating, but one wrong step and you’re plummeting into an emotional abyss. They’ll see into your soul, whether you’re ready for it or not. And this intimidating! It’an emotional MRI scan every time you lock eyes with them. It’s no wonder they can be a bit intimidating; they don’t just knock on the door of intimacy—they kick it in, demanding to see everything you’ve hidden, all while keeping their own cards frustratingly close to their chest. But oh, the good ones—the evolved Scorpios—they are a treasure trove of deep emotional riches, aren’t they? They make you feel seen, known, understood in a way few others can. It’s like they’ve excavated every emotional corner of themselves and now stand before you, willing to do the same with your inner world. There’s a safety in this vulnerability, a shared intensity that can feel like nothing else. And when they’re present, they’re all in—no half-measures, no surface-level nonsense. It’s a deep dive, and you can’t help but be swept away.

But don’t ever fall under their control. As tempting as it may be to surrender to their hypnotic pull, you need to keep your wits about you. You see, Scorpios can sense weakness like sharks scenting blood, and the darker ones might exploit this, turning love into a power struggle. You don’t want to end up a mere moon orbiting their planet, lost in their gravitational field, right? No! Stand your ground. You’re not a satellite—you’re a full-blown solar system, capable of your own magnetic pull. Don’t let their sexy magnetism cause you to lose sight of your own power. Woman to woman—Scorpios are unforgettable. They can tattoo themselves onto your soul, leaving you thinking about them long after they’ve retreated back into their emotional cave. But while they’re a force to be reckoned with, don’t forget you’re a force too. You have top stay grounded, keep your boundaries intact, and enjoy the intensity, the passion, the emotional depth. But always, always keep your own emotional center intact. Because while a Scorpio can rock your world, darling—you’re the one in control of how it spins.

Scorpio is both the siren call of danger and the irresistible pull of beauty wrapped up in one tantalizing paradox. They’re not just a zodiac sign, they’re a force of nature, a hypnotic storm that draws you in, unravels you, and then stitches you back together, often in ways you never saw coming. They don’t just wade into your life; they deep-dive into your psyche, leaving behind a tidal wave of transformation in their wake. It’s no surprise that they’ve got this somewhat notorious reputation, like they’re always on the verge of either seducing you or breaking you—sometimes both, simultaneously. Scorpio isn’t just the scorpion, ready to strike when threatened. They’re also the spider, weaving webs with a precision that borders on the spiritual. They have this uncanny ability to take the loose, chaotic threads of life—yours, theirs, anyone within emotional proximity—and begin weaving something new, something that feels predestined. It’s as if they’re the architects of karma itself, quietly guiding you through lessons you didn’t even know you needed to learn. And sure, sometimes this “lesson” feels more like an emotional autopsy, but by the end of it, you’re stronger, wiser, maybe a bit scarred—but better for it.

But let’s tackle their sexual reputation. Oh yes, Scorpios are drenched in sensual fire, like they’re walking love potions with an air of danger. It’s easy to see why people reduce them to their sexual prowess—they radiate intensity that feels inherently erotic. They’re akin to those rare creatures in the wild you’re warned not to approach unless you’re prepared to deal with the consequences. Passion incarnate, yes. But here’s the twist, and it’s what makes them so much more than just astrological sex symbols: their intensity isn’t just about sex.

Scorpios form attachments that are almost primal, and sometimes this depth manifests in ways far removed from the bedroom. They crave real, visceral connections—ones transcending the superficial. When a Scorpio loves, it’s not because they want to seduce you or because they’re drawn purely to physical pleasure. It’s because they see something in you that they want to merge with, something resonating with their need for transformation, depth, and meaning. And this is a whole different kind of intimacy. They might start by seducing your body, sure, but ultimately, they’re after your soul. They want to uncover what’s buried in your depths and share what’s hidden in theirs.

This why a relationship with a Scorpio feels like a journey into the underworld. It’s not just about the lust—it’s about total immersion. They want to strip away the layers, the masks, the nonsense. When they look at you, they see what lies beneath, what’s been kept in the shadows, and they want to bring it all into the light. They need this kind of connection because surface-level fluff bores them. They’d rather be alone than deal with anything that doesn’t pierce to the core of things. But of course, this emotional laser-beam intensity is also what makes them a bit terrifying, isn’t it? Because once they’re attached, it’s not casual, it’s not light—it’s life-consuming. They have that scorpion-like grip, wrapping around you, not to crush, but to possess, to become part of you. Their emotional demands can be overwhelming. They can get lost in their own depths and expect you to go down with them. This is why, despite the reputation, not everyone can handle being in a relationship with a Scorpio. It’s not just the passion, it’s the gravity of them.

So while they’ve gathered around them a seedy, sexual reputation, it’s only one dimension of the Scorpio experience. Their real power lies in their ability to transform you emotionally, mentally, spiritually. They’ll reshape your reality—not always gently, but almost always profoundly. They’re not here for a quick fling; they’re here for soul-shattering, life-altering love. And what mortal could live up to this? Well, only the ones willing to walk through the fire and come out the other side, forever changed. So, if you’re ready to love a Scorpio, be prepared for the whole ride: the beauty, the horror, the passion, and the soul-deep connection. But never forget, it’s your soul they’re after. Make sure you keep it intact while you dance with this dark and magnificent creature.

Enough has been written about Scorpio’s famous sensuality and erotic inclinations to make further descriptions redundant. Not only redundant: they’re not strictly accurate either. Passion, Scorpio possesses in abundance. But that passion may not necessarily come out in the obvious way. Sexuality for Scorpio is more a matter of emotion – a symbol of reaching a different order of experience. It isn’t just a physical release. Taurus is really the sign of pure earthy sensuality, not Scorpio. Many Scorpios have a deep mystical feeling about sex, and sex and love are bound up with a longing for some kind of experience which the ordinary relationship can never provide. Call it what you like – a mystical experience, a taste of the depths. a surrender or whatever. It has less to do with the body, and more to do with the soul. Liz Greene

My Scorpio love affair, with its highs like soaring eagles and its lows like deep sea trenches, was memorable, yes—like a novel I  couldn’t put down, but one that left me emotionally bruised by the final page. It’s a story I’ll be tempted to reread late at night, flipping back through the intense moments, the passion, the oh-so-magnetic pull. Scorpios, bless them, have a way of burrowing into your soul, making you feel like you’ve been through a thousand emotional lives in just one relationship. It was like being in a constant game of emotional poker, but the stakes are your heart, and sometimes, it’s too much. Their love can feel like a beautiful curse—demanding and draining, as though they expect you to follow them into every emotional cave and crevice.

I now have a little Scorpio of my own. I’m raising a small, soulful creature who will one day wield this same intensity—with all the vulnerability and passion that comes with it. Raising a Scorpio boy is like being entrusted with a rare, complex gemstone. They’re not just children; they’re tiny emotional detectives, always seeking depth, even before they have the vocabulary for it. They’re sharp, emotionally intelligent beyond their years, and—like all Scorpios—drawn to things that most children might find a bit too dark or intense. He’s going to feel everything deeply, and this is a gift. While Scorpios in relationships can be emotionally taxing because they demand so much of you, they want connection, trust, and—above all—truth. This is the essence of Scorpio energy, after all. Whether it’s love, fear, or curiosity, they want the real, unvarnished thing. So, he’ll want me to be honest, to show him I’m not afraid of those big feelings, and to give him space to process his own thoughts, even if he sometimes withdraws into that mysterious little shell of his.

So, while my past Scorpio romance might’ve been a wild ride of passion and pain, raising my Scorpio boy will be something entirely different—still intense, of course, because Scorpios are nothing if not alive with passion. I just have to remember to be this strong, steady figure in his life, someone he can trust with his emotions without fear of rejection or judgment. And watch him bloom into the powerful, passionate person he’s destined to be—my little Scorpion, full of love and potential, a beautiful force to be reckoned with.


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