Question: Have you ever dated a Scorpio? How important was sex in the relationship? 

Yes. Why do you need to drag up this sludge again? I have already divulged  and unleashed a proper Taylor Swift on this guy. The relationship with this icy cold Scorpion in his underground layer, stinging anyone who comes near and withdrawing into his deep dark hole was challenging. Actually, he was in the possession of a Sun in Scorpio conjunct Pluto aspect. Sometimes he would wear this cool black coat with the collar up, and it killed me every time. It felt like this Selena Gomez songYour eyes are like a weapon they’d kill me if I let ‘em. Scorpions are a shade difficult to deal with, plus maddeningly frustrating.

Now, some astrologers believe Scorpio craves intimacy so intensely, they sometimes feel afraid and unready for it. For time immemorial this astrological sign has been described as the most powerful, and can plant you six foot under, with their image painted inside your coffin. Unforgettable, may be an understatement, and at their worst, they can be intimidating. At their best, they are bloody awesome, deeply engaged with a great deal of self-knowledge, and very retrospective. The nice ones will enrich your emotional life, filling it with intense, passionate, long-lasting feelings. Woman to woman – just don’t fall at his mercy, under his control, and be sucked into his personal magnetism, and there is plenty.

However, I am a not complete loser of a Piscean woman: I know how to give as good as I get. I clawed my way back out of the dirt, wrapped my wounds, and kissed him goodbye. A kiss of death right back, baby!

Scorpio is both a hypnotizing horror and a magnificently beautiful creature penetrating you to the core.
The Scorpion can wrap around you, crushing to death every ounce of life. Actually, there is something with Scorpio which pertains to them being great weavers, they have this ability to take loose threads and begin weaving a new life.

Now, Let’s move to the second question:

How important was sex in the relationship? Oh lord, don’t you have a dirty mind.

Scorpio has gathered around it a seedy sexual reputation, the sign is passion incarnate on the spot. What normal mortal could really live up to such a sexy and devilish image? Yes, they form intense attachments, but it is not always for sex purposes. And I once read an astrological book stating Scorpio fantasizes and masturbates from a very early age (yikes). It made for shocking reading, even nastier than Jeff Green’s sexual interpretations on the Venus signs in his Pluto, Vol II: The Soul’s Evolution Through Relationships. However, If you read the classic bible guide to all things astrological in Astrology for Lovers by Liz Greene Page 322 line 13…Scorpio 322: 13

Enough has been written about Scorpio’s famous sensuality and erotic inclinations to make further descriptions redundant. Not only redundant: they’re not strictly accurate either. Passion, Scorpio possesses in abundance. But that passion may not necessarily come out in the obvious way. Sexuality for Scorpio is more a matter of emotion – a symbol of reaching a different order of experience. It isn’t just a physical release. Taurus is really the sign of pure earthy sensuality, not Scorpio. Many Scorpios have a deep mystical feeling about sex, and sex and love are bound up with a longing for some kind of experience which the ordinary relationship can never provide. Call it what you like – a mystical experience, a taste of the depths. a surrender or whatever. It has less to do with the body, and more to do with the soul.

Can I finally close the chapter in this book now?