In the realm of Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, and mysticism, love takes on a complex and enigmatic nature. Neptunian love is often perceived as the epitome of profound emotions, where individuals believe that enduring hardships and surviving trials…...
Those with these contacts tend to cultivate a realistic (or overly realistic) view of the world. They take themselves and life seriously, do not trust easily and may set up strong defences. A lack of confidence in early life may…...
Question: My new baby’s birth chart shows the Moon in square to Saturn, and I’m concerned. Even as a youngster, and especially as a teenager, I suffered from severe depression. Although I have several squares from Saturn, including one to my…...
Question: I’m a Capricorn and I have to feel I’m getting my money’s worth with most, if not, all things I want to buy. Any thoughts? Capricorn often excels at the gift of making lemonade from life’s lemons – As…...
In the realm of astrology, when the planets align and form a conjunction aspect in your chart, regardless of whether they reside in different signs, a profound psychological journey unfolds. In such instances, they are compelled to learn the art…...
With Saturn positioned in the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th, astrology believes that this Saturn placement is more dominant in the horoscope. Some astrologers go as far as to say that even Saturn in a cardinal sign – Aries, Cancer,…...
Question: Is Jupiter the most favorable transit to experience? I’m currently going through some significant ones, and it’s astounding how my WHOLE LIFE HAS CHANGED in just a few months (new job, new country, etc.). I can’t help but wonder…...
The individuality is toned by excitable, unpredictable, and self-centered Uranian vibration. The individual is often unusually creative in a variety of activities, but he or she often finds it difficult to settle down into any one field of specialization since…...
If you tell people that you have BDD you’ll often get mixed responses. Some will simply not believe you. Or they think you’re over exaggerating. Some will call it vanity and obsession, and will expect you to just ‘get over…...
When undergoing a Pluto transit, you’ll often find that a door is closed on you. It could be in a positive way, like leaving financial stress behind or walking out on an abusive relationship for good. In other cases, it…...
Question: I was wondering if a man’s chart with the Moon square Venus meant that he had trouble getting along with women or didn’t treat them right. For him, what does that entail exactly? The Moon in hard aspect to…...
Question: Every now and again, I have the impression that this placement is not as strong and magnetic as many claim. I’m quite aware that I’m a “lone Wolf” who is standoffish, introverted, and sensitive. I’m a person who prefers…...