When Pluto transiting trine interact with the Moon, which is associated with emotions, nostalgia, and femininity, it adds an intriguing dimension to the astrological analysis. Observing the effects of Pluto and the Moon forming a transit can lead to various…...
The Nostradamus book, interpreted by Liz Greene and Peter Lorie, takes a look at Pluto’s transit through the sign of Capricorn and the possibility of a new world government. “Natal China: Like East Germany, this horoscope has a Sun/Neptune conjunction…
Neptune rules the depths of the subconscious, and the Moon governs the past, innermost feelings and memories, when merged it feels like awakening within a dream, where forgotten scenes from your early years suddenly cascade into your personal life. This…...
Question: Unless there’s an overpowering fixation (stubbornness) at play, and obviously survival nearly usually takes precedence over other concerns, I’ve always just thought that people can adjust to their environments. A catastrophe, in the worst of all possible worlds, can…...
“The Astrological Aspects” by none other than Charles Carter, back in 1930, can you believe it? It is practically a century ago! I bought this used book, right? And let me tell you, it’s like a relic from the past,…
The question of whether our lives are predestined and planned out or whether they are entirely of our own creation has plagued humankind for as long as we have attempted to understand our place in the universe and our relationship…
The Moon in Sagittarius tends to romanticise the more primal aspects of life; it is impulsive, optimistic, and profoundly moved by the untamed beauty of nature when in this position. There is a yearning for hands-on learning; for adventures; for…...
Nostradamus: The Millennium and Beyond, Prophecies to 2016″ is a collaborative work written by Peter Lorie and Liz Greene, with its first publication dating back to 1993. The book offers readers a glimpse world of prophecy, focusing primarily on the…
The third of the Romanovs’ five children, Maria Nikolaevna was born in June 1899. Olga and Tatiana, the eldest two, were known as “the Big Pair,” and Maria and her younger sister Anastasia were called “the Little Pair.” All four…...
For some of you, this may feel like the chance of a lifetime to become the kind of confident, self-assured, and passionate person you’ve always dreamed of being. You may have a high degree of self-determination and a natural propensity…...
In the realm of psychology and personal growth, neurologist and author Norman Doidge suggests that our subconscious is intricately connected to the people we have loved and lost in the past. As we confront these haunting memories, they lose their…...
Apollo 11 stands as one of the most iconic and groundbreaking space missions in human history. As the fifth endeavor within the Apollo Project and the third to transport humans to the lunar surface, its significance reverberates through its technical…