With Mercury opposite Uranus in your natal chart, you have a tug-of-war between the quicksilver messenger of the gods and the unpredictable rebel of the heavens! You’ve been given a mind that doesn’t meander—it reaches conclusions fast. This opposition makes…
When Uranus transits over personal planets and points in your chart, you yearn to break loose from the confines of routine and convention. You may feel this sudden sense of restlessness. However, when this restless feeling wells up, don’t immediately…...
Question: As Pluto transits my 3rd house, I’ve noticed a significant shift in the tone of communications; they’ve taken on a more negative slant. There’s a deepening desire to uncover the truth behind everything, to the point that I’ve lost…...
With Neptune in the 7th house, partnerships are filled with mystery, yearning, and perhaps a touch too much idealism. With Neptune in the realm of relationships, this could be perfect for soulful connections, star-crossed romances, and dreamy spiritual partnerships. However,…...
With Mercury square Saturn in your natal chart, this aspect brings a certain gravitas to your mental faculties, like carrying someone on your shoulder, saying, “Think it through!” every time you speak or act. Your mind rigorously refines and disciplines…
In 1977, the year Chiron was discovered, it was quickly integrated into astrological discourse. Though classified as a minor planet in astronomical terms, Chiron has assumed a significant role in the metaphysical realm.The astrologers of the day immediately placed Chiron…...
When Pluto moves in, you might feel as though you’re being pulled downwards, as things you once thought stable or unchangeable start to crumble or morph. Relationships, jobs, even your own self-perceptions—anything inauthentic becomes subject to demolition, and the process…...
The 6th house is often treated like a necessary but unsung hero of daily life, nestled between the thrilling glamour of the 5th (love and creativity) and the significant connections of the 7th (partnerships and all things “us”). But really,…...
The Mercury-Jupiter aspect in your chart symbolizes the grand alliance between your mind (Mercury) and your expansive, optimistic self (Jupiter). It’s this combination of curiosity and benevolence, of intellectual hunger tempered by a desire for understanding, not just knowledge. There’s…...
With a Venus trine Neptune aspect in your natal chart, it acts like a romantic mist, softening the harsh edges of reality and casting a shimmer on all matters of the heart. It’s a beautiful, floating energy, it grants you…
Mercury in the 4th house is your planet of communication taking up residence in the most intimate quarters of your astrological chart – the warm, nostalgic hearth of the self, if you will. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have a…...
Chiron, the wounded healer, can represent every hurt, bruise, and unhealed wound that has been lingering below the surface for God knows how long. Some people only truly understand Chiron during its transit when they find themselves in situations where…...