Posts by: astrologyplace

Mercury in Gemini: The Butterfly Mind

Question: Is having Mercury in Gemini an indication that I won’t be able to concentrate on anything and will constantly be shifting from one subject to the next like a butterfly? Individuals with this placement often find themselves on a…...

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The Less Evolved Aries

“At the early stages of evolution the Martial type naturally suffers from excess of qualities associated with it. Courage, hope and enthusiasm in enterprise, become recklessness and heedlessness and fanaticism. These people must always be doing something; and, if their…...

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The Less Evolved Leo

“Primitive Leonians are generally afflicted with an unquenchable thirst for personal glory and ridiculous ambition for positions of responsibility and authority, which they are quite incapable of filling with any degree of success. Many, especially those of the commanding or…...

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The Sun’s Exaltation: Aries

The Sun represents consciousness and the ability to make choices and be creative in life. It’s often compared to figures in mythology like Helios, Apollo, Sol, and is the central force in our solar system. As Evangeline Adams put it,…